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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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The cover is gonna be an unflattering selfie

Anyways I was hoping for a more psych/dreamy vibe to this album, but I’m sure it’ll just be Jack and his ukulele again


i don't see why jack and a ukulele would be necessarily bad. i actually think this is going to be a really great album and a title like that definitely has a lot of potential for a really experimental, psychedelic, surfy sound. 

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The cover is gonna be an unflattering selfie

Anyways I was hoping for a more psych/dreamy vibe to this album, but I’m sure it’ll just be Jack and his ukulele again



It should be MANDATORY for all music albums to have a Ukelele song. 

It´s got that cool-vibe sound. 


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Oh Yeah ! I can go for that ! :)   A punk rock album full of angst and ultra-ultra-violence singing !




RIP Stella  :rip:

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I have a feeling that this one will be more along the acoustic route. 


I actually feel the opposite, I feel like we'll have more grand and 60s type of instrumentation. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into this but she's been posting a couple things that harkens back to that time period lately.

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It's not a coincidence that she went on a revenge tour as soon as she got tons of critical acclaim. Those bizarre tweets aimed at A. Powers were a sign of things to come. And holy hell, that last instagram rant was the worst one yet. I hope someone close to her staged an intervention.


Jack must be horrified who's he working with. 


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Jack must be horrified who's he working with. 


In hindsight, it was foreshadowing Lana being a bit reckless.


If he can't handle it, then maybe Lana should work with someone that's able to understand and redirect that angst to get her creative juice flowing and push her to creative highs. This is where Dan Auerbach could make a glorious comeback.  


Also, welcome back! :)

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But credit where credit is due. Chemtrails Over the Country Club is a great album title. The music better be just as great for her own damn sake. She can't miss a single beat because she has boxed herself with her incredibly self-destructive behavior. 

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It's not a coincidence that she went on a revenge tour as soon as she got tons of critical acclaim. Those bizarre tweets aimed at A. Powers were a sign of things to come. And holy hell, that last instagram rant was the worst one yet. I hope someone close to her staged an intervention.
Jack must be horrified who's he working with. 


Why? She didn't do anything wrong and I must say I complteletly agree with everything she pointed out at ther last posts.


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id really hope she doesn't stay silent for the next three months to go along with the whole "surprise album" jig.

id be fine if she released the name and date like a month before its release and not say anything but 3 months? i cant just speculate with a title for 3 months :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:

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Jack is the most important person in the music industry right now. Dan and Rick are past their peak and washed up, with nothing new to offer. 



We can stop sucking jack’s d*ck now like anything he made on NFR even came close to touching ultraviolence’s lush soundscapes half of the production on NFR is generic

5.11.14 // 9.20.14 // 6.11.15 // 6.13.15 // 6.14.15 // 1.26.18 // 9.21.19

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Read this in a quiet whisper.


It has been quiet for a bit and I don't know how long it will last. Think of tip toeing by a sleeping grizzly bear. You want to stop and look and behold its magnificence but you know you should keep moving lest it catch your scent and awaken. Sleep peacefully Lana.


My thoughts before I gently depart. Some Lana songs on NFR and LFL have what I call the coffee shop guitar girl sound. Chords and no real melody or structure. Just kind of moving forward. Lana can make it work because her voice is so beautiful. I like songs with verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus. I am not a musician but I think you know what I mean. I'd also like more beat and movement so that my body responds as well as my ears and heart.  Having a beat or rhythm doesn't necessarily mean a dance or pop song. IF we are really getting this album in early September then it is probably done now so I will just have to accept what she gifts us with. I'm sure I will love it but I am biased.


OK time to quietly slip away as not to wake Sleeping Beauty.

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Imagine being involved with Lena Dunham.


Was this before or after the book/story about her younger sister scandal happened cause if it was after.... ummm yikes

5.11.14 // 9.20.14 // 6.11.15 // 6.13.15 // 6.14.15 // 1.26.18 // 9.21.19

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Was this before or after the book/story about her younger sister scandal happened cause if it was after.... ummm yikes


I think that up until that point he was still involved with her.


Edit: The whole thing with her sister blew up in 2014, and they broke up in 2017.

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If jack survived lena dunham's reputation as well as taylors (not the most beloved figure either), then lana wouldn't do anything to jacks image at all. I'm sure he would've asked her to delete the facetime screenshot if had an issue with her.

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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