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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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1 minute ago, Dreamboy said:

According to Shazam it is “American Beauty” by Marana Blake

I thought people believing that Judah Smith Interlude would begin with him aggressively saying “you gotta go to church, you gotta pray, you gotta read the bible” with voice crack was funny 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it


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2 minutes ago, Dreamboy said:

Guys what about this alt. version of Ocean Blvd with guitars and Lana singing FUCK ME UNTIL I LOVE MYSELF instead of what we heard on the streams? Another FIILY situation where the stream/video version is one and the physical albums have another version?


It's an edit, streaming and physical will have the same version.

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6 minutes ago, hotshot2am said:


It's an edit, streaming and physical will have the same version.

Is there a full version? I only have the snippet and loved it. This isn’t official, right?


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2 minutes ago, HoneymoonDaddy said:

961 pages in just over a month....never change, LB. Never change :troll:

this will turn into longest thread on Lanaboards, mark my words.

archiving any ldr-related stuff I can find (like, literally)





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I was wondering: how BOZ heard the album? He already has all the files? If so, why those insiders don’t leak it (if that’s what most leakers do when they already have a copy of the album)? 


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4 minutes ago, Dreamboy said:

I was wondering: how BOZ heard the album? He already has all the files? If so, why those insiders don’t leak it (if that’s what most leakers do when they already have a copy of the album)? 


We don't really know, we just assume he works in the industry and that's why he doesn't leak anything. If he did, it'd fuck up his career in the industry or his trust with some of the music teams. We understand and just move on, since he does share info from time to time when he feels its right timing to do so


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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When we wake tomorrow  to the long overdue American Vogue cover, new single, merch release, James Corden performance announcement and album trailer :hype:


~Mon amour,  je sais que tu m'aimes aussi ~

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20 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:


i guess amazon wont be sending them out early either now :trisha: she couldve been the new cassette girl

I'm also noticing a couple sites have updated to the 24th so it's official :trisha:


~Mon amour,  je sais que tu m'aimes aussi ~

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