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• Edits By Embach •

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~Here, in this thread, I post all of my edits I have created over the years. My edits are mostly about Lana, but there are some other edits too which are about my other favorite artists, for example like Marina and Lorde.

~I started editing somewhere late May 2019, when I created a very weird Lana manip which looks very ugly now. Although when I first created it, I was really proud of it, but now I think it's a garbage. I created most of my edits (which I will post here) are from 2020 and 2021. Today, I'm not as really "prolific" editor as I used to be few years ago. Mostly because I don't have any ideas but there are some few edits I have done this year.

~With posting the edits, I also write a backstory of the edit like how they were created, where the idea came from ect. Well, I'll do that for most edits, if the edit doesn't have a backstory then I won't write.


~But I do have to warn you all...my edits are not good:judgingu3:


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~It was March 20, 2021. I woke up and saw in Instagram stories how Lana Del Rey wants revenge and promises to release an album called Rock Candy Sweet on June 1. I was so shocked and excited about that. I really loved COTCC album and I already had thoughts about the album: the sound, visuals, themes. I knew that I had to do an edit. Thinking that it's sad how misunderstood Lana is in the music industry, I started to find historical connections about it. And my first thought was Marie Antoinette. I think she was really misunderstood then but I'm not really a historian nor a French citizen, so I don't really know thoroughly about her, I have only learned about the French Revolution. Well, I found this photo of painting of Marie Antoinette and I knew that Lana's eyes from the infamous she/her car selfie (which was also the initial album cover for Rock Candy Sweet) would fit for my album cover edit. So my idea about Rock Candy Sweet's theme was that Lana's telling her story through her eyes, but she tells it like Marie Antoinette (I know, it's cringe :toofunny:). I put a pink filter over it because it was my vision of Rock Candy Sweet's album color scheme. Made that edit on that same day she announced the album, made in like 10 minutes. It was a really quick edit though. I used to be very proud of it but now I find it really cheap and kinda dumb lol...but here it is!


~This edit without the text and this edit without the pink filter and text together are in the spoilers.


• Without the text •



• Without the pink filter and the text •



~I put the tracklist in the spoilers too. It's even more horrendous, I "mixed" this cover art and Neil Krug's photo of pink rocky cliff together and I put some of her random Instagram captions and some of her recently made then unleaked unrelessed songs. Well...some of them came true! 😏




~After, in April 2021, when she changed the album name to Blue Banisters, I was kind of disappointed because I found Rock Candy Sweet really badass name but then I just changed the edit by switched the color filter and the title.



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37 minutes ago, Blackcloud said:

Cool 😎. Did you 3D render the hourglass, or was it pre done in 2D. Looks like an admirably gothic image ☺️.

This photo is from Lust For Life's trailer, though. The only edit there I did, was creating my username in Lana's handwriting on the chalkboard!


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~A textless poster. I had a vision of a music video for Heroin, it was kind of a late night Topanga-esque visual video where she's alone and starts to transmit into space and was semi-floating like the flower-y glitchy scene from Shades Of Cool and she dies in space. But she just was like high or dreaming. I wanted to create a big title for this poster with music video "credits" and the cast list but I wasn't really motivated and didn't have any ideas for names and such. But in general, I named it as The Death Of An Astronaut and I symbolize it as dying in your dreams. I realised that the way I worded it was cringe but I don't care. I created this poster in early January 2022, during New Year's week. Probably the only edit I made that I actually love.


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~An album cover art for Without You, inspired and made for the thread "Create a Tracklist Using One Song's Lyrics!" This was my first proper edit of 2023 and I'm really glad how it turned out, also I think it looks pretty gorgeous (which is a rare case about my edits). In my opinion, it was easy to do that kind of edit for Without You because this song has great balance of great vocabulary and expressions and it was something that was in my mind (creating a tracklist from Without You's lyrics) for a long time.


~The background comes from a Neil Krug's photoshoot for Complex Magazine and the Lana look is from Nicole Nodland's promotional photoshoot for Paradise. The difference is that I put a noir-ish black & white filter over them. For the back cover, I took a photo from that promotional Paradise photoshoot and put that same noir-ish black & white filter on it.


~Here, in the spoilers, are the textless photos of the front and back cover album art:


• Textless front cover album art •



• Textless back cover album art •



~Here, in the spoilers, are the original photos from the edit but with the noir-ish black & white filter:


• Original photo of the Lana look from the front cover album art with the noir-ish black & white filter •



• Original photo of the background from the front cover album art with the noir-ish black & white filter •



~I hope you like it,


Lots of love


Em x :kiss:


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On 7/1/2023 at 8:33 PM, Embach said:





It was March 20, 2021. I woke up and saw in Instagram stories how Lana Del Rey wants revenge and promises to release an album called Rock Candy Sweet on June 1. I was so shocked and excited about that. I really loved COTCC album and I already had thoughts about the album: the sound, visuals, themes. I knew that I had to do an edit. Thinking that it's sad how misunderstood Lana is in the music industry, I started to find historical connections about it. And my first thought was Marie Antoinette. I think she was really misunderstood then but I'm not really a historian nor a French citizen, so I don't really know thoroughly about her, I have only learned about the French Revolution. Well, I found this photo of painting of Marie Antoinette and I knew that Lana's eyes from the infamous she/her car selfie (which was also the initial album cover for Rock Candy Sweet) would fit for my album cover edit. So my idea about Rock Candy Sweet's theme was that Lana's telling her story through her eyes, but she tells it like Marie Antoinette (I know, it's cringe :toofunny:). I put a pink filter over it because it was my vision of Rock Candy Sweet's album color scheme. Made that edit on that same day she announced the album, made in like 10 minutes. It was a really quick edit though. I used to be very proud of it but now I find it really cheap and kinda dumb lol...but here it is!


This edit without the text and this edit without the pink filter and text together are in the spoilers.

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• Without the text •



• Without the pink filter and the text •



I put the tracklist in the spoilers too. It's even more horrendous, I "mixed" this cover art and Neil Krug's photo of pink rocky cliff together and I put some of her random Instagram captions and some of her recently made then unleaked unrelessed songs. Well...some of them came true 😏

  Reveal hidden contents



After, in April 2021, when she changed the album name to Blue Banisters, I was kind of disappointed because I found Rock Candy Sweet really badass name but then I just changed the edit by switched the color filter and the title.


omg? i really like this idea

archiving any ldr-related stuff I can find (like, literally)





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~Two edits I made in February 2021 for White Dress because I was one of the delulus who thought that it's out on February 26. Also I made them look really cheap on purpose (to give that picsart vibe Lana loved then).

• EDIT NO. 1 •



• EDIT NO. 2 •



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On 7/4/2023 at 8:11 PM, Embach said:





A textless poster. I had a vision of a music video for Heroin, it was kind of a late night Topanga-esque visual video where she's alone and starts to transmit into space and was semi-floating like the flower-y glitchy scene from Shades Of Cool and she dies in space. But she just was like high or dreaming. I wanted to create a big title for this poster with music video "credits" and the cast list but I wasn't really motivated and didn't have any ideas for names and such. But in general, I named it as The Death Of An Astronaut and I symbolize it as dying in your dreams. I realised that the way I worded it was cringe but I don't care. I created this poster in early January 2022, during New Year's week. Probably the only edit I made that I actually love.

i love this sm! :trisha: it captures the vibe of the song so nicely


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9 minutes ago, honeymo0n said:

i love this sm! :trisha: it captures the vibe of the song so nicely

Aww thank you so so much :wub:


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• FROM LATE MAY 2019 •


~And it looks like a trainwreck, I know. In fact, the original edit was deleted, the one I posted here has a "caricature sketch" filter over it which I had on my phone. The original didn't have any filters although it was black and white. I tried to "hide" the lasso cut lines and "match" the tone by "painting" the cheek sides gray and you can see it I left a paint dot accidently on her neck 😭 Last month, when I watched this edit again, I chose to retouch it to make it look at least better, so here's the new version. 



~And I also made a one more "realistic version". 


~The photos I uses for the manip edit were a photo of the actress Tina Louise and Lana's photo from L'Officiel Paris 2013 photoshoot with Nicole Nodland. The exception is that I put a black and white filter over the Lana's photo to match better. When I saw the Tine Louise photo, I instantly envisioned the photo with Lana's one from L'Officiel Paris, since it's my favorite photoshoot of Lana's. I put the original photos in the spoilers. 


• Tina Louise •



• Lana Del Rey for L'Officiel Paris 2013 by Nicole Nodland •





@Embach •



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