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Alexei Anatoljewitsch Nawalny is dead

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on bbc while it was on breaking news ‘kremlin says putin has been notified about navalny’s death.’ 

like how obvious can they stage it, r*shi s*nak already made an entire fcking statement about it and putins ass’s just ‘been notified’ please

 :um3: awful and unapologetic murderers they’ll all burn in hell 

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I mean no one is surprised but it's still terrible

He knew this was likely to happen when he returned to Russia after being novichocked, though

He wanted to return because he believed that a free Russia was worth the risk

Not letting his family have his body just shows how cruel Putin really is to his OWN people

The only way Russia escapes his clutches is if people rise up, Romanian style

Unfortunately many older Russians seem to still be attached to the USSR for various reasons

Others seem to think you have to tolerate Putinism to be able to have security and social order, because Russia was such a hot mess in the 90s with Yeltsin 

Shit situation


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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