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RIP ivory almond

Banned Members Survivor

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yall know the drill, take one point and give it to another person until there's one left

wait for someone else to take their turn before going again


spinmeround - 10

13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 10

The Siren - 10

lanaismamom - 10

lustforlife - 10

the ocean - 10

lanaswildflowers - 10

wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 10

arcadialovesong2018- 10

reputation - 10

sparklejumpropenoose - 10

DeluluKing - 10

Acid - 10

Prettiest Boy In Country Music - 10

Eugene - 10


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spinmeround - 10

shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 10

The Siren - 10

lustforlife - 10

the ocean - 10

lanaswildflowers - 10

wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 10

arcadialovesong2018 - 10

reputation - 9

sparklejumpropenoose - 10

13bitches - 10

DeluluKing - 10

Acid - 11


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Omfgg.. I was literally thinking about this yesterday! Idk enough lanaboards drama lore to play tho... :toofloppy:



Let me show you how sadness can turn into happiness

I can turn blue into something


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Just now, dietpussycola said:

Omfgg.. I was literally thinking about this yesterday! Idk enough lanaboards drama lore to play tho... :toofloppy:

you should read about them all, it's so fascinating

because of how late i joined LB, i didn't know about arcadialovesong2018, reputation, or sparklejumpropenoose


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1 minute ago, details said:

we need a ban log fr i'm nosy as hell and don't know how to mind my own business i need to know why the siren got banned now :oprah3:

uploaded download links to Flipside and Is This Happiness, but actually got banned instead of MQd bc they had done the same thing on multiple other accounts


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4 minutes ago, ivory almond said:

uploaded download links to Flipside and Is This Happiness, but actually got banned instead of MQd bc they had done the same thing on multiple other accounts

thx doll, i can't believe they got banned over that ijbol such a silly way to kill your account 

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Just now, details said:

thx doll, i can't believe they got banned over that ijbol such a silly way to kill your account 


that's also how lustforlife got banned, they accidentally posted a link to watercolor eyes... which i find to be especially anticlimatic for them


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spinmeround - 10

shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 9

The Siren - 11

lustforlife - 10

the ocean - 10

lanaswildflowers - 10

wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 10

arcadialovesong2018- 10

reputation - 9

sparklejumpropenoose - 10

13bitches - 10

DeluluKing - 10

Acid - 11

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spinmeround - 10

shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 9

The Siren - 11

lustforlife - 11

the ocean - 9

lanaswildflowers - 10

wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 1

arcadialovesong2018- 10

reputation - 9

sparklejumpropenoose - 10

13bitches - 10

DeluluKing - 10

Acid - 11


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spinmeround - 10

shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 9

The Siren - 11

lustforlife - 12

the ocean - 8

lanaswildflowers - 10

wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 10

arcadialovesong2018- 10

reputation - 9

sparklejumpropenoose - 10

13bitches - 10

DeluluKing - 10

Acid - 11


tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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