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The Physical Media Thread

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33 minutes ago, X8vinylScratchX said:

To store CDs and DVDs, i have this thing


It spins and holds about 1,000 CDs, or 250 per side (not sure how many DVDs/Blue rays it could hold, maybe around 500-600 since their taller and take up more space). It isn’t the highest quality thing ever but it works nice and is convenient for space. You may have to enter your Bob the Builder era to put it together though.


hopefully this doesn't sound weird, but would it be alright if you posted photos of your CD tower? so we can see what CDs you have? since you said you have over 1000


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i didn't realize there were so many physical collectors here, i don't feel so weird now when i think about it :oprah:


i don't have a PS2 anymore (my sister has it i think?? not sure) but I have a PS3 so Ive been buying PS2 games to be able to play on PS3 with a mod, i think there's a way to rip the disc to a PS3 hard drive and play them but idk. i just have them for fun tho and have the roms on my PC anyway to emulate but it's still fun to use real hardware on my tv and play my games. i got the GTA PS2 trilogy recently and GTA 4 for PS3.


i'm guilty of double dipping on some things too, like i have red dead redemption on switch and PS4


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I'm a CD collector! :smile: Here's my Discogs if anyone would like to see my collection: My Collection - Discogs

God's willing I'm gonna go on a mini CD haul this Christmas :smile3: I'm already thinking of albums I want on CD and I'll definitely update you guys on my collection :fabcat:



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CD is the best physical format. I love my CD collection with all the artwork and booklets. Some of them are rare editions which you can't find anymore easily so it becomes a kind of collector's item as well. 

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