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A search of 'Kassidy'-- this forum-- turns up empty as a topic. So I'm taking up @@lola @@Rafael suggestions for an independent Kassidy thread here (see  'Barrie's Band' <--- 'Lana Thoughts', which I guess could also be moved here as a separate thread and then perhaps locked? Or just locked? Just an idea.).
Anyway,  New Kassidy?  I haven't found these songs on (2) past albums so they may be new (or covers?). Anyone know? Very different sound and possibly direction. Vocals might need some work but some decent songs.
quite the funkmeister here:

channelling queen here:

high octane:
Also do old songs (Stray Cat):

Old Kassidy:
2011 (video games with demo instrumental stem?):

2012 (part 1 and part 2 best I've found for an intro to old Kassidy):

paradise tour:

Hanging out with LDR would have been reason enough for me, but perhaps the 'artistic differences' reason also has some validity. Though it's a pity to lose the quitar-quartet form, as it seems rare. Does anyone know of any others in pop (which I take to include rock, folk, jazz,..) that are like that?

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I saw them open at the Lana show I went to and I wondered what they were going to do with four guitars but it actually worked really well. Barrie had a stomp box (I think) and one of the others played keyboard on a few songs and the different guitar sounds they had worked together really nicely. They have some good songs but I'm not that big of a fan but they were really good live.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Yes, I'm here for Kassidy. Admittedly I haven't listened to their new live stuff. I must've failed to realize people actually recorded and posted their live gigs on YouTube #flopfan :toofunny: No, but thank you for posting these! "Tyrannosaur" sounds great!


I'd say I like their sounds a little bit more around~ 'Hope.St'. Might be one or another reason why I started collecting their Rubbergum EPs. But 'One Man Army' also features some catchy songs. I'd personally recommend their mini-EP 'People Like Me' (they released while touring last year) to casual listeners to sorta get into their aesthetic. It really symbolizes their legacy very well I must say. It's like a really good package!


Regarding Barrie's departure; really sad! I really value the privilege to have experienced seeing them all perform live together. Although I've only been a fan for a rough year now it really saddens me. I wish I would've come across them sooner. They certainly belong to a unique genre I have a hard time describing.


Personal favorites: "Waking Up Sideways", Take Another Ride", "Hope St." and "Home".


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Hey guys, we are Lana's fans who love Barrie as well. We are setting up a website for Barrie, it's almost ready to get published but we need your help. If anyone has photos from the Paradise tour, whether it's kassidy's performance or your photos with Barrie, please send them to us at: bjofanpage@gmail.com


You can also like our fb page www.facebook.com/bjofans and follow us on twitter @bjofanpage




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HOLY SHIT DID YOU GUYS SEE THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER?!??!?!?!?! they just released their first song in 8 years. its good! 



they're also releasing their 2011 debut album on vinyl and they are doing a show in Glasgow this December. I got all this info from Barries IG. I am so shook.

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4 minutes ago, urgirl said:

HOLY SHIT DID YOU GUYS SEE THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER?!??!?!?!?! they just released their first song in 8 years. its good! 



they're also releasing their 2011 debut album on vinyl and they are doing a show in Glasgow this December. I got all this info from Barries IG. I am so shook.


at st. luke’s! what a great venue, might have to go just to check it out. i saw them in glasgow when they opened for lana eight years ago, and i’ve seen barrie live solo since and he’s really captivating. he has a fantastic voice.


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damn, the kassidy gig sold out in seconds so they've upgraded the venue to the barrowlands. st luke's holds around 600 capacity while barrowlands is upwards of 1900. i didn't think the gig would be so popular but i guess glasgow showed up!


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Rock groups rising from the dead is so life affirming. Barrie should know that anyone without an instagram account can't see his IG captions (at least in my dimension that's true, so I wish he didn't favor IG over facebook and twitter, where he doesn't seem to post as regularly). However, Kassidy Facebook has been up posting stuff since 2018 (I just woke up to that; the earlier posts are about Barrie's solo stuff, and the recent stuff about their "anniversary" concert and history). No mention yet that I can see of a new album, which I think will be the acid test as to whether they are actually back as a force to be reckoned with in popular music.




I would describe the single (Don't Worry) as typical Kassidy; not bad and a grower for me. Also, the cover art for the single is giving me a Starfish (The Church) vibe, so maybe Kassidy gets more psychedelic in the future?


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