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Lana Questionnaire

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1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era?
2012, I already knew of her but I only started really getting into her music when the Born to Die video got reccomended to me. It was late 2012 because I remember the Ride video was out aswell.

2. First song(s)?

Video Games was the first I've heard of her.

3.what did you think?
Video Games was nice, I liked it, but that Born to Die video really sucked me in and I loved everything about her music. I wasn't a big fan of Off to the Races tho, but now it's my favorite song off of BTD.

4. Your favourite song(s)?
OTTR, Video Games, Ride, Cola, Yayo, Cruel World, Shades Of Cool, Old Money, Florida Kilos, Black Beauty, Is This Happiness, The Blackest Day, Terrence Loves You, Swan Song, Cherry, Heroin, Fine China, Some Things Last a Long Time, BAR, Playing Dangerous, Trash (Magic) those are all I can think of but I could make this list 10 times longer tbh

5. Least favourite song(s)?
Coachella, White Mustang

6. What song(s) "grew" on you?
Off To The Races (my fave now), Blue Jeans, Blue Velvet

7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? 
Probably the UV era, it was the first era where I was a fan when a new album dropped.

8. Favourite Album(s)?
Ultraviolence & Honeymoon

9. Least favourite(s) ?
Lust for Life (still like it tho, it just has some stains)

10. Favourite song preformed live?
Million Dollar Man, Cola, Yayo, Shades of Cool

11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded?
Born to Die

12. Favourite song quote/lyric? 
"The house was already on fire, I swear I'm not a liar"


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1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? A picture of her on a soccer forum in a t-shirt from the team, I didnt know of her and googled her and I think it was 2012 or 2013, probably 2013.

2. First song(s)? I think they were Video Games, Born To Die and Afraid, Radio and Without You, on youtube I listened to them a lot after adding them to a music playlist I had.

3.what did you think? I liked her

4. Your favourite song(s)? I like pretty much all her songs

5. Least favourite song(s)? Theres only about 5-10 songs I dont like or listen to that I have heard.

6. What song(s) "grew" on you? Most of Honeymoon's songs

7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? (May jailer, Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey) Lana Del Rey

8. Favourite Album(s)? All them

9. Least favourite(s) ? Probably Lust For Life

10. Favourite song preformed live? I have never seen her live and I haven't watched much live performances to say

11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? Honeymoon the album

12. Favourite song quote/lyric? Theres too many

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How did I discover Lana Del Rey? I believe it was sometime in 2013, before she appeared on the cover of Nylon magazine, the one where she has her arms up, hands behind her head (I know this because not long after I learned about L.D.R. I went to the supermarket on the chance that I would find a magazine with her on the cover and I found that Nylon magazine). Back to how I learned about Lana Del Rey: it was on the radio, I was driving home and I heard Summertime Sadness on the local alternative rock station, and that was it. I got home, searched for her music online, and that was it.

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