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Born To Die

Ryn Weaver

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13 hours ago, imbennett said:

i know i'm supposed to be patient but it's really annoying to get given dates and then have her be active for the first time in forever, just with nothing about music

And what sucks is that she said she was ready and wanted to release stuff and specifically told us to stop telling her to take her time. I know that music is sitting there cooked and ready to be served so I’m wondering what the hold up is

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She posted a story asking who wanted to hear teases of the new music & she left me on delivered when I replied to her story 💀

but left my friend on read.

wonder if she has favorites & they were lucky enough to hear them

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10 hours ago, 301 said:

She posted a story asking who wanted to hear teases of the new music & she left me on delivered when I replied to her story 💀

but left my friend on read.

wonder if she has favorites & they were lucky enough to hear them

I assumed she was just asking generally. Plus she probs gets a lot of dms whenever she barely hints at music. She’s really nice on ig when she’s in the mood

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Just remembered she said she was releasing around the same time as bonnie mckee, and well.... bonnie actually pulled through with hot city but no Ryn i fear

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On 7/7/2024 at 10:42 PM, 301 said:

Just remembered she said she was releasing around the same time as bonnie mckee, and well.... bonnie actually pulled through with hot city but no Ryn i fear

Did she say this? She hasn’t been active on Twitter for awhile so that must have been a long time ago


I’m having the moment that I do twice a year where the wait for her music is unbearable because The Fool is just so masterful. Bless this drought with rain, Ryn, please

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On the Fourth of July, I met a man, Pierre
Lied about his age, but I didn't care
Spoke in broken English but the heart was there
In those eyes of sky and ocean blue
'Cause I wouldn't be with you

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17 hours ago, rorschachbaby said:

she posted 2 snippets on her ig story yesterday

Oh my god I have her post notifs on and I STILL miss the snippets. I only got one because she loves to post in the middle of the night and then delete it when I wake up

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