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Improved Painting of Lana Del Rey

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Ok,so I got lots of feed back on my last painting from you guys on here, so I have improved upon it

I redid the face and added a pink border around the sides with the Video Games lyrics

You can buy this painting here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/240690805/lana-del-rey-video-games-14-x-11-on?ref=shop_home_active_1

Or buy a much cheaper print here: http://www.artpal.com/Spencerryder?i=43939-2

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people are giving you negative feedback because you're posting it on a discussion forum and they don't like it. be glad they're being real with you, because would you honestly prefer that everyone be like "oooh nice job bb so superb - can't believe not off the market yet" when they don't like it?


if you'd rather people be constructive than just saying they don't like it, my comment would be: as you work on a painting try holding it up to a mirror and looking it at that way every so often. then you will see things you hadn't noticed before and i think it will help you with some placement and shading issues. and as an art student who had to endure a course more or less based entirely off the pricing of personal art, i don't think there's any way in hell you're going to sell this for 100 bucks.

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Just a notice: you shouldn't promptly change the painting; you should've go all the way and over the top with that aesthetics of ugliness (which is not a bad thing per se, but official course in the art, especially modern and postmodern), primitive way and outsider art schtick. But, with that way of expression there is a thin (or not so thin?) line between purposely and consciously distorting and deconstructing established aesthetic norms of art history which you previosly already conquered and comprehended, and making something without fundamental knowledge about those norms. One must master the basics for self-confidently rush into pushing the boundaries.


Looking at your painting, I am not sure whether you wanted to make a (hyper)realistic piece or something totally opposite, oeuvre in the manner of (neo)expressionism, for example, something gorey and creepy, with a strong accent on your personal artistic signature.


I don't know how much am I relevant for giving you advice, since I don't get much feedback for my Lana work (and since my work vary from very good to trash :D ), but I am sure about the above.


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