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Warsaw, PL @ Orange Warsaw Festival - June 3rd, 2016

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Exams :thirst: were it not for them, I'd probably consider attending, although to tell the truth, I haven't really felt like going to any gigs lately. 

And the wind I know it’s cold

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Rechecked my schedule and it seems I must have gotten it wrong (comes as no surprise at all, lol), nothing stopping me from going to Warsaw on July 3rd. @@Agnese13 & @ either of you want to meet me there if I go? @ Ich hätte dich sehr gern vor 2 Jahren (wie schnell die Zeit vergeht!) in Berlin getroffen, hoffe keine solche wunderbare Gelegenheit wieder zu versäumen :)

And the wind I know it’s cold

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Rechecked my schedule and it seems I must have gotten it wrong (comes as no surprise at all, lol), nothing stopping me from going to Warsaw on July 3rd. @@Agnese13 & @ either of you want to meet me there if I go? @ Ich hätte dich sehr gern vor 2 Jahren (wie schnell die Zeit vergeht!) in Berlin getroffen, hoffe keine solche wunderbare Gelegenheit wieder zu versäumen :)

Sorry, I just saw this. Yeah, I'd love to. I'm also meeting up with my friend who lives in Warsaw...so yeah, u can msg me :) 

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I wonder when she will cancel.

Mess I was wondering about the same thing while I was reading this thread :toofunny:


Anyway ideally, she is composing the new song she is going to perform at the new dates these days, so it will be ready to blow us away when she premieres it at one of these summer shows

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