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Neon Palmmm

Lana Del Rey Timeline

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Has anyone here tried to compile an exhaustive timeline of Lana's recordings/photoshoots/performances/etc.? Lana's past has the tendency to be confusing, so it seems to me that it could help us sort things out if everything we know was sequenced in a way. I'm attempting to put one together, but I imagine someone with more knowledge could do it much more adequately. (@@evilentity, you were my first thought :creepna:)


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Here's a little timeline I made, using some dates from the Lizzy years. A lot of it, towards the end, is just chronicling her Tweets, which may be excessive -- but might still provide interesting context. And, of course, it's far from done yet :hooker:




The Early Shows section and the month-by-month chronology on the Wiki were absolutely indispensible. 


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Lanapedia has a complete timeline! Check it out, it's really good. That's how I discovered that Lana was a Marina fan before BTD was released :creep:


Yeah, I actually used it to construct this timeline! The reason to make a new one was to include things that either the Lanapedia timeline didn't include (certain recording dates, etc.) + posts and songs from Lana's social media (Myspace and Twitter).


It's a super resource, though


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