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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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Off topic tho but remember when Beyonce was going around telling interviewers her dad used to make her run around the house while singing so she has better breath control and supported vocals? We need Lana self titled now


OT: how would we feel about a self-titled album? honestly I would be okay with it as long as its amazing 

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Alternative US Songs: 98. Serial Killer (NEW)


i'm fricking done with lana stans i swear lghpxZy.gif

Now it’s at 50

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Serial Killer iTunes

#9 Panamá

#55 Brasil

Tunes Alternative Singles Chart

#50 EUA

#91 Reino Unido


i swear to god tenor.gif


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Now it’s at 50

47 now 

since the topic came to my mind can we talk about lana managers, literality fuck them, they are the worst, its like they forgot about her 


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I tried to tell Ben. I don’t think he’ll read my message or notice it, but at least I tried. :ohno: If somebody deserves my coins for leaked songs it’s Lana for writing it, not some troll.

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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does this shit even happen to other artists :awkney:

it happened to gaga 

apparently is on spotify 2 


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Maybe it's Lana doing it to try and build hype for that unreleased album



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Honestly she should just go through with that unreleased compilation album

remastered songs tho, omg imagine pawn shop blues 

Maybe it's Lana doing it to try and build hype for that unreleased album

i kinda doubt it but, but its kinda weird that this only happened after lana finished her tour but she would never do a cover for back to the basics like that, its not her thing 


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my grandpa is actually lana's gardener and he said to me that lana's is doing a visual that consists of her running in circles until she blackouts, all of this inside recorded in her kitchen





"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days for cities, and some for your time in solitude."

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