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i'm weirdly okay with it being the last season


i'm NOT okay with the implication that Even is gonna get hurt in it (PROTECT EVEN AT ALL COSTS)


and interesting choice of song in the trailer, Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood covered by Cat Stevens (who is a muslim himself)


and so this kicks off yet another 3 months of high stress and sleepless nights, here we gooooo

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I'm weirdly ok with Sana's season being the last too but I'm really upset with the fact we didn't get to see Vilde during her senior year and I wanted to see a season centered around her in that exact period

Imagine her freaking out about everything and eventually settling in with the fact nothing is perfect and you have to understand it in order to a fully grown person spiritually speaking :krylie:


I'm living for Evak too but hey! We have more than enough material of them cuddling for a lifetime  :flutter: 


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OMG THE NEW CLIP :flutter: :party:




Isak being all comfortable with Even in public & both moving in together, AAAAAAHHHHHHHH :flutter: :flutter: :flutter:


and omg this barely even started and i can already tell that a season through Sana's eyes is gonna be EPIC.

if the trailer is to be taken literally & judging by Sana's face in the end of the clip, the chain of events she'll kickstart with begin with Noora (via her relationship with William, probably). i'm sf scared about how this will affect Even tho, in the trailer he's the last one to be hit & also the one who suffers the most. protect my bb Even, Julie. :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:










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OMG THE NEW CLIP :flutter: :party:




Isak being all comfortable with Even in public & both moving in together, AAAAAAHHHHHHHH :flutter: :flutter: :flutter:


and omg this barely even started and i can already tell that a season through Sana's eyes is gonna be EPIC.

if the trailer is to be taken literally & judging by Sana's face in the end of the clip, the chain of events she'll kickstart with begin with Noora (via her relationship with William, probably). i'm sf scared about how this will affect Even tho, in the trailer he's the last one to be hit & also the one who suffers the most. protect my bb Even, Julie. :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:




They're so cute together, like, I have no idea how they always manage to come up with so much cute EVAK stuff.  :flutter:

Regarding Sana as the main character, I have to say that I was a bit sceptic at first, but with Sana/Islam/sex and also Noora/William, I'm sure this season is going to be amazing. Can't wait for more!





That's the quality content I'm here for, TBH. Literally cuteness goals!  :defeated:


If somebody needs a link: https://twitter.com/skamenglish/status/851455879861985281


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Just started SKAM and I am LOVING this opening dialogue  :defeated: Literally 46 seconds through episode one and I love it already  :toofunny:



They're using a lot of great songs throughout the series. There's also a Spotify playlist, BTW. :creep:


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Season 3.  :lmao:

But I would recommend watching the first two seasons anyway, they're definitely worth it.


YOU'RE KIDDING............................. how bad would it be if I skipped to season 3 then went back and watched the first two  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

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YOU'RE KIDDING............................. how bad would it be if I skipped to season 3 then went back and watched the first two  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:


I did! There are approximately 2 spoilers to previous seasons but otherwise it's completely ok for you to do that







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YOU'RE KIDDING............................. how bad would it be if I skipped to season 3 then went back and watched the first two  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:


you can, you'll still understand each season's main plot... but you'll miss some references / continuity stuff & it's really interesting to follow the character development throughout the 3 seasons (especially Isak's). i binge watched the 1st 2 seasons in a day before i started watching s3 in real time; the episodes are short and there's only between 10 & 12 of them per season, so you can easily go through it all in a couple of days AND start watching the new one in real time. personal opinion, of course. :)

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YOU'RE KIDDING............................. how bad would it be if I skipped to season 3 then went back and watched the first two  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

Yeah, you can definitely skip to season 3 without ending up completely confused, but like @bummersummer said, you probably won't get some smaller details. So personally I would recommend watching it all in the right order, but it's up to you.


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Lmao the trailer is incredible. Worthy of the show. Sad it's the last season but excited af, after all Noora is my fav character so I got my share of happy :)

Also they should have used Lana lol


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Lmao the trailer is incredible. Worthy of the show. Sad it's the last season but excited af, after all Noora is my fav character so I got my share of happy :)

Also they should have used Lana lol

I need Be My Daddy in one of SKAM's iconic drinking/hooking-up scenes.  :creep:


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