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About Marmar

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    Boston, MA

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  1. ^Brb..foaming at the mouth. I have people on another forum I belong to thinking that Bel Air is about Axl Rose. *headdesk* I'm assuming it's about K, am I correct here peeps? Also, Me and You? Jimmy?
  2. Marmar


    I didn't know what to think of this video when I first saw it. I will give her credit for the fact she had many of the details spot on unlike all of the other parody videos, but give it a rest. This video is about 10 months too late. It's stale. Move on.
  3. Umm what about the TROPICO film due out next year?! What is it!!
  4. I forgot about this being 7pm in LA time. Wahhh! 3 more hours to go.
  5. I can't wait until Pussy leaks in full. ha ha ha That image on Tumblr is hilarious. Can Lana's next album be called "Songs to kill yourself to." Everything is just too gorgeous.. and depressing. Just this morning I was driving to work with Blue Velvet blasting and I honestly thought, "oh this is so beautiful.. I could crash right now and not even care. Heaven!"
  6. Marmar


    I still hear full-time, not photon. That’s the way the road dogs do it, ride till dark
  7. Oh wow! How exciting. Unfortunately I don't live in the city anymore, so I doubt I'll see one in person.
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