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Blue Rev

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Everything posted by Blue Rev

  1. not her filming the announcement in a Bed Bath and Beyond Parking lot 10 minutes ago dsgfdngfmh
  2. She recently had surgery and is in recovery... The way coronavirus is going to take us all out before we ever hear it
  3. If you find it, DO NOT go to the register to try and pay for it. The cashier will either know it isn't for sale yet or the till won't let them sell it to you. Just grab it, run, and don't look back. Leave a couple of bucks if you feel guilty. Good luck.
  4. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    most anticipated based on snippets: Nurse's Office Strawberry Shortcake High School Sweethearts Class Fight Lunchbox Friends Teacher's Pet Show & Tell Detention Wheels on the Bus Recess The Principal
  5. Blue Rev


    It's Bartender!
  6. from quick first listens my trinity is NFR, Love Song and Bartender
  7. dream a dream here's a scene touch me anywhere 'cause i'm your baby grab my waist don't waste any part i believe that you see me for who I am So spill my clothes on the floor of your new car Is it safe? Is it safe to just be who we are?
  8. the beginning of NFR sounds like the intro to a Disney film in the most beautiful way
  9. the quality is faecal and you can't understand half of what she's saying, don't ruin your first listening experience
  10. I can't believe we got Honeymoon leaking from the UO listening party and now this
  11. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    I Scream is horrible
  12. play my cards right photo free exits from baby's bedside 'cause they don't yet know what car I drive I'm just trying to keep my love alive the production reminds me of Agnes Obel
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