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Blue Rev

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Everything posted by Blue Rev

  1. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    this gap toothed, diaper wearing, idiot hope she chokes on her pacifier, dumb bitch
  2. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    What the hell is her pic on the Atlantic Records site
  3. Even if NFR was out already you know the setlist would be the same tired BTD shit anyway
  4. The definition of indie is being unsigned/signed to a small independent record label. She's signed to a sub-label of one of the biggest record labels on the planet. She is not indie in any sense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfwH3Au8bTQ
  5. Why would they give a fuck when she clearly doesn't?
  6. https://itunes.apple.com/nz/album/doin-time-single/1463229710
  7. Carly's album already leaked from NZ Spotify so wouldn't Doin Time have leaked by now also?
  8. Blue Rev


    Album is almost done!
  9. GENERIC + LIFELESS Emotional Machine is the only song I've found myself taking a liking too. The rest is just too bland and uninspired to even waste time thinking about. Going from her opus to...... this.
  10. Blue Rev


    if she dares... http://www.flaunt.com/content/grimes
  11. Friday... Cherry, Cinnamon, TBD, Heroin, CW, PWYC, BB I'd wear a disguise and sneak into Saturday's show as well though
  12. I've never really thought that her and Chuck look alike until this photo... https://www.instagram.com/p/BwLHmqTDm7b/?utm_source=ig_embed
  13. Gonna start printing the poems off of her IG, bind the books myself and send them to her so she can hurry the fuck up with this album
  14. where tf are the electric guitars she talked about in the Beats 1 interview....
  15. "you don't ever have to" Lana's sub conscious when she asks herself when she should release NFR
  16. http://www.flushthefashion.com/music/lana-del-rey-hollywood-sadcore/
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