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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. who needs this audiobook? i have a google play gift card but i am an Apple cult follower..
  2. y’all acting like she doesn’t drive these streets every day. she shouldn’t be driving crazy but man she’s 35 I really don’t care
  3. Not the coochie spread open so she could drive like that
  4. she’s so happy she got some new COCC
  5. her lips look really good right now! and the hair color! she looks like a teenager
  6. One of my faves, I need this energy in COCC
  7. 99centlips

    Wolf T-Shirt

    who’s gonna find a picture of one of her ex’s with a wolf T-shirt on first?
  8. This album is still in my car CD player, whenever I forgot my phone I’ll listen to it. I don’t understand the hate LFL gets. Some of these songs are in my top 5 ever and not to mention she seemed so happy and free during this era! I miss this album cycle even though it was messy as usual.
  9. he didn’t even get credited in the credits
  10. yes the nails give away the timeline! i’m just not sure about the specific date
  11. i’m not sure if it was July 3rd. In the tik tok she posted that day, she has an orange/pink tint lipstick on (the one second we can see in color) and all of these pics and videos she has the nude on.
  12. The piano music and the VHS style reminds me of American Beauty so much. Even the way she’s talking reminds me of it! One of my favorite movies and I’d bet Charlie’s too...
  13. i think it’s Interview Magazines “Television Division” meaning their YouTube. I could be wrong though, the rhyming is v cute.
  14. of course this gets released the one hour i’m busy at work. this is top tier crazy but very interesting. i do believe she’s 100% being satirical the look on her eyes when she says “crazy!? me!? no” is absolutely bonkers LMAO she’s definitely playing up a character! right after she says “it’s not like i’ve been in a facility for 90 days already. not MY story” Did nobody catch that?
  15. are we ever getting the “first unread post“ button back again?
  16. i was with llama with some points in the beginning but that was a little too far
  17. omg! what if she goes 2000s punk
  18. my opinion idk. within the context, she’s 35 it’s kinda cringe. you’re welcome to feel different. maybe pathetic was the wrong word but i digress
  19. thank you does anyone think she will collab with the band? if they continue dating that is. i have a strong feeling she will.
  20. someone will have to take one for the team
  21. omg cracked the code. next album will sound like the guys band The Johnsons. I haven’t listened though
  22. wasn't she a big soccer fan while she dated Barrie? all the italy references when she was dating Fran. The hip hop collabs when she dated Gerald. All of her past relationships she takes on something,
  23. Literally, yes. she is the definition of that. Of course there's nothing wrong with expressing interest in your partners interest but she does it so obviously idk...it's kinda pathetic
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