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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. I don’t know if you know this, but we live in unprecedented times. It’s natural for people to be skeptical of situations like this. And literally every “example” you provided of my commentary, was used to help facilitate further conversation. Unlike pretty much everything you’ve said in this thread which has just been accusatory and condescending. So when you’re tired of posting empty statuses about how you’re morally superior because you weren’t skeptical, than get to filling out the sign up for Reddit because like I said previously, nobody cares for the condescending “I’m better than you” attitude. You should Take that shit to another platform with people more similar to you. Or maybe Truth Social queen. Whatever the fuck- just don’t feel gassed enough to come for me, ever. Especially over a topic being actively discussed and while opinions are being actively formed. You made your mind up about my feelings on the situation even before I did. thats pathetic and This conversation is over , unless, like I said, you have anything to actually contribute.
  2. That’s cool. Is there Anything you wanna contribute to the actual conversation? Or would you rather just continue being a cunt, after the mods asked for the catty limp wrist antics to stop? I know you’re probably butthurt that nobody takes you seriously, and I promise im not even trying to be shady here, it’s just like… you can go back to reddit? Nobody cares for that kind of commentary here pookie mod note: user was warned for this post
  3. An eyewitness account describes the secret service having a sniper on the building behind trump who had his eyes on the “shooter” the entire time and she actually saw the secret service get tripod out and aiming at the opposite facing building before shots started to ring out (I ignored the two younger people and waited to hear from the mom) another interesting detail I’m not sure how true is yet, but according to these people, the shooter rolled up on a black motorcycle, decked out and adorned with a DONT TREAD ON ME flag around his neck like a cape. She said she didn’t think anything of him but by the time she did a double take there was a door to a building open and the man was gone.
  4. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    it's just that every other snippet besides the awful sample one is amazing
  5. Okay I thought I was crazy for thinking it looked a little staged
  6. Hope Happiness and Bartender just fall flat to me. There’s so much that could’ve been done with the production. There’s nothing “weird” about them at all like she described imo, they should define NFR but to me they just kinda fade into the rest of the project.
  7. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone else think global warming is a myth? I love music 💚 Brat for Dayzzz z
  8. Veinsineon

    Iggy Azalea

    Why so many unleaked help
  9. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    So i mean if you really pretend the lead single doesn't exist, the era hasn't started for us yet and i can still be excited if you think about it
  10. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    Hey we got long black hair Katy back one small win at a time ultra143
  11. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    I wonder how brat summer in Italy is going. That’s like as brat as it can get yeah?
  12. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    you’re right about being leagues better, but SHE DOESNT WANNA ACT LIKE IT!!!!!!
  13. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    I can’t pick Twitters White girl of the week out of a lineup
  14. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    Honestly, as horrible and painful as the song is, still better than anything Sabrina Carpenter has ever made. We need to start carrying the same energy people love to have for Katy for every mediocre, shitty release nowadays Taylor, Swift, Sabrina Carpenter, Tate McRae all of these mediocre flavorless girls, releasing Tik Tok music.... Katy is obviously jumping on the bandwagon here... but somebody else driving the cart.... Like the nuance is that it’s better than a jack Harlow, or any other flavorless United States radio pop music, but it’s not a good song at all. And I’ve already heard it on the radio twice today. I don’t know if everybody knows this, but in the west, it’s usually the shittiest and most simple mediocre songs that get played five times a day on the radio because labels are able to pay for promotional slots. the only reason the song might be semi-successful is the sheer amount of payola and label foot work being done. It sucks that she’s beyond sold out with this latest move. Sue me, but I believe that the witness era was much too ahead of its time, and all of the concepts and deconstruction of poppy enigma that happened almost feels like it was just thrown to the wind. I know witness is not the most well received album in history, but the message is good it’s clear and it’s cohesive. What we are now beholding is somebody who has no other ideas than to cater to what is currently selling. It sucks to see somebody who used to be as impactful and iconic as Katy Perry fall so far from Grace and still be denied ever doing the right things, the right way ever again. Because she really CAN do the right things. Some of the snippets sound great, but she wanted to cause a stir with this lead single and I'm not exactly okay with the whole reason. Like it's something that didn't need to be givin' more credence and whatever Katy is gonna get flack for, it's going to be 10x hotter of a topic. She knew that and she knew the conversation wouldn't be drowned out and that's why i'm really conflicted about the lead. Bad taste for the beginning of the era, complete shill move. And it was in no world going to "make music love katy again" or anything..
  15. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    The way I was genuinely rooting for her until this lead single fiasco too Katy I’m sorry you always get 10x the amount of backlash as other pop singers, but you also HAVE to do better. WE KNOW YOU CAN.
  16. This lasso around my neck aint for show
  17. Veinsineon


    Need a video like yesterday mom
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