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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. Veinsineon


    THE VISUALS ARE COMING LADIEX https://twitter.com/alliex/status/872182772839976965 https://twitter.com/alliex/status/872170744045633536
  2. thank you!!! its a shame though, what a beautiful shoot
  3. the 113,000 people who have viewed it on youtube. we're sorry that you can't grasp that music takes time and everyone has a following? we're sorry, we really are
  4. shes releasing music again....been working on an album since 2015 same as lana sis....
  5. Red Flame feat. Miss Azealia BANKS
  6. so ive been listening to ARTPOP a lot lately and so i was inspired to make a not so tacky Act II cover, cant find any good ones anywhere
  7. https://soundcloud.com/gagademos/lady-gaga-manicure-second-demo https://soundcloud.com/gagademos/lady-gaga-manicure-first-demo GET OUT. GET OUT. IM HAVING SEX FOR SURE!
  8. i wouldve preferred it before CW atually imagine thinking any of those were better than Angels Forever. Cant Relate!
  9. Veinsineon


    would anybody mind telling me what this photoshoot is/purpose/year/basically any info, its my favorite photoshoot of hers
  10. didnt know i liked rap after hating it since it started getting bad after 2010
  11. metaphorically speaking, not sonically. theyre comparing the method and things excercised during said album. like how gaga collabed with T.I, Too $hort and Twista for J&D. This could be compared lana collabing with A$ap and the other guy i dont care to name. Shes trying things way too far out of her comfort zone and she will regret it
  12. if RBYF didnt make the record and Daisy Chains did, im literally going to throw a patio chair through her winsheild
  13. so liking someone makes me a xenophobe and a racist..? lmao.
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