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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. Veinsineon


    WAWW - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-tKcrOAkv0VSFNaQzZ5OTRiX2M/view?usp=sharing I dont think he's posted a snippet of Jabberwocky
  2. Veinsineon


    All i care about is Allie X Andra material like Jabberwocky and You, and the Cover of What A Wonderful World she produced herself
  3. not everyone is as demonstrated by comments in an opposite direction.
  4. will be in your dms in a matter of minutes sissy
  5. Oh wow?! I got Carmen?? WIG FLEW. Guess I'm either gonna know or become a Carmen
  6. oh speaking of Cherry i made a full HQ live version that barely has screams in it if anyone wants it
  7. MESS at people saying she almost cancelled LFL because of Love leaking........ IN WHAT WORLD were u even here when it actually leaked? it was basically 3000 gays having a meltdown and Ed saying shes not okay when she LITERALLY went live the next day and said "I'm so happy to finally share this with you guys" LMAO
  8. and if Yosemite IS floating around.......I'm ready to be blessed in the ears. i think it wouldve been the one for Coachella or the actual album cover....I mean maybe she only made that album cover fast bc eerything was happening and it was too late to change the single artwork for Love. Wouldve preferred the album artwork to just be the artwork for love
  9. nothing really happened except Ed trying to make us feel bad.....she was happy Love leaked. The only other bad thing that happened was we didn't get a proper single cover....We dont know the album got pushed back bc of it leaking...
  10. Veinsineon


    we dont have TLIV stems just the inst and acapella
  11. Veinsineon


    Day In The Life Hello Prime Tumor Bitch Oh My God Casanova Paper Love and then a bunch of random ones that either she's teased or a leaker has I.E. This Is The Jam Misbelieving Remember Forever Simon Says Need You Stranger
  12. Yeah agree on that point. I think they just wanted to keep reminding us that the theme was vampires LOL
  13. Really? I thought they were incorporated perfectly in ties to the theory of the Nazis being in contact with them, thus giving us the Doctor who is a former Nazi ! And also how they *re-program* certain aspects about people throughout the season so it's not so boring. Like giving Pepper intelligence or keeping Kit's first wife alive and also abducting Kit at the end I'm interested to know why you don't like it I would too, I remember last year when everyone thought that's what it would be because of the farm and the crop circle trailer. @RyanMurphy #JusticeForAnAlienThemedSeason
  14. that doesnt change the fact that the theme revolves around an election i mean if the election if whats caused everything after it than thats the theme. an election.
  15. Veinsineon


    K i saw someone a few pages ago post the HQ single artwork for Need You but they deleted it......rly want it
  16. Veinsineon


    Need You is a perfect representation of the theme of CLXII and a tactfully released song to gather attention from Jordan's fans as well. Stop trashing on it please
  17. well with regards to his most recent instagram posts here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BTtsl9nAUOK/?taken-by=mrrpmurphy&hl=en (elephants to symbol the republican party) https://www.instagram.com/p/BUOJRiJgBiT/?taken-by=mrrpmurphy&hl=en red white and blue..... https://www.instagram.com/p/BUe94RqAIYr/?taken-by=mrrpmurphy&hl=en the Billie Lourd post which isnt really anything hinted towards the theme except maybe that it takes place in winter imo its uncomfortably safe to assume is true
  18. I think he tried that with Roanoke but he lost himself in the script writing and he saw his views plummeting because of that horrible first person camera experience (which is WELL past played out in cinema ) so he just came up with a *very terrible* way to end the season early. Hence the 10 episode season. Asylum will forever be his best and well written season. I really love the alien theme and i thought he would continue it with Roanoke I hope that he leaves Aliens out of this season because I'd hate to see them done dirty by such a horrible theme of Elections and maybe
  19. this. everytime i see you use the word FLEW i laugh. dont ask me why because i simply don't know. i just imagine you saying FLEW
  20. Veinsineon


    so add the demo vocals when the instrumental leaks or we get the stems
  21. Freakshow was terrible but Hotel was STUNNING. The Art Deco style really fit well. I think its just Freakshow was a little mediocre for my taste
  22. God i hope so MUCH that SNL asks her back sort of as a redemption performance. It would be such a disgusting move to leave that impression upon your viewers when in reality
  23. but there's always Miss Taylor Secman who came through with those icloud selfies and the HM video
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