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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. Veinsineon


    me : patiently waiting for WAWW
  2. you're saying this like you haven't complained about it.....Ironic and i will not tolerate allie x slander in this damn thread.
  3. Veinsineon


    we still don't have any potential CLXI demos and outtakes such as Didn't Start The War After The Flames All I Want Broken Changeling Coma Don't Wake Me Up Doorbell I Wanna Know You Lie To Me Marry Me For A Night THE LIST GOES ON SO DONT SAY WE HAVE EVERYTHING Several of the things on this list 24/7 has even stated he has. I.E. Changeling and After The Flames and that doesnt even touch the demos and material he has from 2016 and on meant for CLXII
  4. if there is one more damn collab on this album- ESPECIALLY Harry Styles or G-Eazy im not buying the album and burning everything of hers I own. 3.IS.ENOUGH.
  5. Lana obvs pushed back the release for her dear friend Shakira. Queens supporting Queens !
  6. Just started watching this and I can definitely say that Hulu is the new netflix! Who would've thought a show about French Prostitutes in the 1700's would be just as good as an award winning drama! If you haven't I HIGHLY recommend that you watch this amazing fictional drama nnn someone else watch it so we can talk abt how good it is
  7. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    theres already a solo version of BA and its LOADS BETTER
  8. We got Allie X's new single today cant help but hope
  9. I REMEMBER THAT i was still a newbie back then so i never interacted with anyone but IT WAS A MESS this new generation is much more laid back we come to spread enlightenment within X
  10. i dont think any of us have ever argued about her forehead i mean, we all know its big and make jokes of it. she does too lmao i came here to spread the uniqueness of her music with those who are desperate for something new. think of me sort of as ....a Prophet of X
  11. hey if we're not getting LFL until July, here's an artist to get into until then. she just dropped a new single an hour ago : https://open.spotify.com/track/1OjWMRoXwwMgezK1lf7Mzw her debut album comes out june 9th
  12. Veinsineon


    Need You is officially out on Spotify and Apple Music!!!! STREAM IT we owe it to her since we've all pirated it by now also can't wait for the gif later today and maybe an Xplanation Video https://open.spotify.com/track/1OjWMRoXwwMgezK1lf7Mzw
  13. if coachella does [sadly] make the album i hope she does it acoustic redux style. A style like Yosemite, lighter and warmer. MUCH lyric tweaking too
  14. Veinsineon


    last one of the night, sorry i was in an edit mood
  15. Veinsineon


    Am i the only one who is a little bothered by how she says we order different drinks at the same bars? I always switch it to We order the same drinks at different bars and it flows so much better, also adds to the emotion of the song
  16. Veinsineon


    because its not may 26th in the US
  17. In loving memory of Sonja Durham. We love you so much #GrigioGirlsForever
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