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The Siren

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Everything posted by The Siren

  1. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    apparently a few minutes ago??? this guy has videos from the previous performance https://www.youtube.com/@ocurrienciasjona/videos
  2. yes but i literally CANNOT imagine the album (or song) being simply titled Ocean Boulevard
  3. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    yes i know the phrase should have been 'i have you dead center" or something
  4. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    only if its given correct context with the "i dead you" context, its not enough. she's missing a word or two
  5. thats why i didnt get the hoodie i hate the quotes not encompassing the full album title
  6. ive removed the intro from The Grants and a 10/10 song became an 11/10 wait i just realized we're getting the album in THREE FUCKING DAYS
  7. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    goodnight! (its 6:41 pm here)
  8. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    the absolute delusion over on leaked.cx
  9. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    i dont see any cassettes but im seeing vinyl + cd bundles all over Europe stores https://eurostore.melaniemartinezmusic.com/eu/ https://eurostore.melaniemartinezmusic.com/it/ https://eurostore.melaniemartinezmusic.com/es/ https://eurostore.melaniemartinezmusic.com/de/ https://eurostore.melaniemartinezmusic.com/fr/
  10. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    i tried on the UK site and they only ship within the UK
  11. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    the spotify cassette is GONE https://shop.spotify.com/en/artist/63yrD80RY3RNEM2YDpUpO8/store?utm_medium=app-artistpick&utm_source=spotify&utm_content=direct&utm_term=00a46622d3b50f586505de3f714e112bed7aeaba55bef026c76884
  12. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    i will say that i do like Numbers a lot
  13. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    yeah tbh the new 1/4 indie alt artwork does NOT look good
  14. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    why isnt the Lollapalooza Chile site updated for this week??? https://www.lollapaloozacl.com/
  15. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    probably the same time, no?
  16. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    i mean wbk that since the TV performance, right? now people think the Emerald rap is from Nymphology
  17. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    just noticed void's locked again there's a record store called SIREN RECORDS can you imagine if she had announced a listening party for there and thats where she debuts the deluxe edition? https://sirenrecords.com/
  18. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    the title for the image on the website says alien face https://www.melaniemartinezmusic.com/sites/g/files/g2000015941/files/013123_ProductImages_CD_AlienFaceFULL%402.png
  19. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    There's a second Chile date? How did I not notice?
  20. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    I always sang it as deck when I sang along
  21. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    STUNNING I cannot sit still for that long Yes honey we heard the song in full
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