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The Siren

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  1. The Siren liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in Album Artwork Mostly Lana.   

  2. The Siren liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in Album Artwork Mostly Lana.   
    Lana Del Ray aka Lizzy Grant HQ here



  3. The Siren liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in Album Artwork Mostly Lana.   
    Prom Song

  4. The Siren liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in Album Artwork Mostly Lana.   
    I didn't know where to post these but i wanted to share them with you guys
    National Anthem

    Tv in Black and White

     Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - But i have it


    This Is What Makes Us Girls

    You Can Be The Boss

  5. mlittle11 liked a post in a topic by The Siren in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Ugh it truly is underrated smh I wish she'd reissue the CD and/or the vinyl with it so I can hear it in a player outside my phone or computer ?
  6. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lana Del Rey Resources, Tutorials & More!   
    Design Packs
    Born to Die (Thanks to Hot Design Packs)
    Fonts: Steelfish &  League Gothic  Textures from the booklet (blood) Album Photoshoot (Nicole Nodland) Logos (Lana Del Rey EP Logo & Autograph) Fonts
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [PNG files of every letter]
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [Thanks to BadKid/FMI go to the second page on this thread]
    Impact (Lana Del Ray Album Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Haettenschweiler (Kill Kill EP Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Nueva Std Light (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "A.K.A Lizzy Grant")
    Nueva Std Bold (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "Lana Del Rey")
    Radio FM (Paradise Font) 
    Garage Gothic (BTD The Remixes EP Font)
    Adobe Caslon Pro Italic (BTD Album Credits/Numbers)]
    Brown Regular (Ultraviolence credits)
    Trixie Plain (UV booklet)
    Record Labels Logos
  7. Salem liked a post in a topic by The Siren in Melanie Martinez   
    I've complied what we have of the 2011 and 2013 EPS and both EPS so far snatch but I like this live acoustic so much more. There's a bit of a bounce to it I think(?) that I really love. 
  8. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Hey hey hey. It's been a while but I finally have something new to share. I made a poster for the Doin' Time video as I've been watching it a lot lately. It really is one of my favorite Lana projects. I just love everything about it so much and had a really fun time putting this poster together! Hope you guys enjoy!  
    *it's pretty huge so open it in a new tab to view it larger*

  9. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    I'm honestly really surprised how inspired I've been by Chemtrails and the era as a whole. It's by far the era I've created the most pieces for and tbh I'm not really sure why. I love the album, but it's not my favorite of Lana's and while the photoshoots are nice, that's it; they're just nice. So I'm really unsure where all this inspiration is coming from but here's another COCC cover I made. When I saw the photo of Lana, Zella and Natalie, I just knew I wanted to take Lana from the image and try to make a Neil-esque cover with it and this is the result. Ultimately, I ended up going down a bit of a more dreamy route. I feel like it bridges the music video for COCC, with the aesthetic of the alternate Neil cover for the album in a nice way though. Hope you guys like it!!  

  10. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Did I make yet ANOTHER cover for COCC? Yes. Yes I did. I'll be offline for the next couple hours so I'm posting this real quick before I go, and I'll respond to any comments when I get back. I have a less "vintage" looking version too but I prefer this one. Hope you guys like it!!  

  11. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Thank you!!! 
    You're too kind, thank you so much! 
    Thank you! And yeah, I do!  

  12. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Hey guys! I'm back with (yet another XD) cover for Chemtrails! This one is the first one I've made since listening to the album and I love how it came out! It probably works better for "Yosemite" than it does for the album as a whole but oh well haha. Hope you guys like it!  

  13. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    This is extremely long overdue but I've finally completed the next part in my LDR cassette series, Honeymoon! I literally started this back in September so I'm really glad to finally be sharing it. I've had major creative block lately so I'm hoping returning to this series will help. I think this edit might be my favorite in the series so far (but I'm biased since HM is my fave album). Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the edit! 

  14. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    I'm slowly starting to get on board with all the Wizard of Oz inspiration speculation for COCC (don't think it will actually be inspired by it but it would be cool if it was). Personally, after watching the trailer, I got more Gatsby inspiration than Wizard of Oz. The whole car scene was basically the Myrtle crash scene. Regardless, I wanted to make something with the Wizard of Oz inspiration and saw this photo of Judy today and instantly thought of Lana. It's pretty much the UV-hydrangeas photo just with poppies lol. The manip isn't perfect but I think overall the cover came out well and it gets across what I intended. In this case I really do think a textless cover is better but there's one with super basic text as well (I don't see anything but really basic text for this eras cover anyway). Hope you guys like it!  
  15. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    I wanted to make something with the wolf pic (like literally every other designer/editor atm lol). I was curious what it would look like in color so shout out to Remini for actually not being complete shit for once. With some adjustments and edits, I like this a lot for just a quick/fun edit. 

  16. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Thank you! Your comment also reminded me that I need to get my shit together and finish the rest of the cassette edits  
  17. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Hey everyone! It's been a while but I have some new Lana content to share! Really wanted to make something for LMLYLAW after the Fallon performance so this was what I put together. She looked so gorgeous and I wanted to highlight that. My inspiration for the layout was Beatles album cover I saw (in case you recognize it lol). I love how it came out and hope you guys like it!  

  18. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    I know I posted this cover earlier today, but I was looking back over it and didn't really like how blue her hair was. So I back and adjusted the coloring. Essentially it's just less blue and more of a dark blue-ish brown. Overall I think it looks better.

    EDIT: I got bored so I decided to make yet another version using a different photo from the shoot. I think I like this cover slightly more too. Anyway, that's the last HM demos cover for the time being. Enjoy y'all!  
  19. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    With the Honeymoon demos slowly leaking one by one, I wanted to make a cover for them all for my iTunes. I definitely wanted it to be different from the actual aesthetic of the official albums artwork so I went with the largely unused shoot Neil did for the album. I spent a lot of time recoloring the image to match one of the others from the shoot, and I really don't know if I like how it came out or not lol. Overall though I am happy with this cover and it's something new/different for me so there's that. Hope you guys enjoy it!  
  20. The Siren liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    LEGENDARY!  you’ve done it again, constantly being the legend that you are <3 
  21. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    I was working on my cassette edit for Honeymoon and got distracted halfway through. The result was this random, simple poster for HBTB. It's not the most exciting thing I've ever made but I share all my Lana work so I figured I'd post this as well
    The poster is massive so here's a link if you want to see it full-size: https://imgur.com/OnSszDf

  22. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    Finally finished the next piece in my cassette edit series, Born to Die  

  23. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    For the past couple days, I've been working on the next Lana cassette edit. It's taking me a bit longer (I'm getting burnt out a bit lol) but in the process of working on it, I did end up making a cover for Born to Die (which is actually the first cover I have ever made for the album )! The layout of the official is just so iconic imo so I just took this photo from the Carmen shoot and touched it up and brought the two together. I think the result came out really great. It's nothing groundbreaking obviously, but it was fun to create. Hope you guys like it! 

  24. The Siren liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in Chanel #1 - Lana Covers *NEW Blue Banisters Cover*   
    In continuing my "Lana albums as cassettes" series, I'm excited to share the one for Paradise! I really love how this one came out and hope you all do too!

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