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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. Boston Globe reviewed the album without score, so metacritic decided which one was a fair one .
  2. some people is saying something about instagram filters from this video but i dont see them lol, just effects xd
  3. It seems like was from an early west coast video
  4. not them calling her an invented singer... I really dont get how is "Lana del Rey" SO unauthentic with the kind of popstars out there (old ones and new ones).
  5. In the US? because the release is tomorrow there.
  6. i dont feel guilty because i didnt tweet that man lol
  7. ikr, something weird is happening on his head.
  8. He was doing a bad review since the beginning, dont blame anybody.
  9. Not PRISM having a better score from them, not surprised tho.
  10. It is weird to me that she get ill just when she has this public appearances, not that she's just making excuses but i think it has something to do with that.
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