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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. the bonus are apart from the album tho, even the deluxe tracks
  2. same here, preordered the deluxe cd + t-shirt
  3. i'd say they will put the album for first play on itunes
  4. i think they are not the same, because the fnac one has the bonus song
  5. people is going to be poor after the release of the album x.x!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Mess at some people complaining about this x.x!
  7. this album is going to be pretty good live, because it was made for that
  8. naachoboy

    Lady Gaga

    they werent there because they added them a few shows later
  9. lmfaoo x.x , i dont know i hope this bitch is announced for Lollapalooza or something, but i really wish that she comes back alone not in festival
  10. i have to concentrate..., but at least the test is not today is on Tuesday
  11. Because u already said something about the snippets lmfao
  12. So obvious coming from you lmfao. nn
  13. i think people on the internet are like blind with the "she has to top their hits", i mean the gp really doesnt care about that they just buy what they like.
  14. Azealia x,x, she will be tweeting for 20 years, without a doubt and without BWET
  15. like we didnt knew all of that lmfao
  16. nah she's still doing good even in her flop era, and she's talented enough to survive and she likes the music industry.
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