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Be Free

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Everything posted by Be Free

  1. pics are from today, from @_lobadelmal on instagram
  2. Unused Love footage screenshot OG:
  3. A friend tagging her: https://www.instagram.com/p/tDYzQMRU66/?igshid=ygdp6wm6ol83
  4. Yep, it is, Lana used to follow it back in 2014 and some of her friends tagged notorious instead of lanadelrey in some photos
  5. I don’t have it, I don’t follow her there, but posting count changed from 59 to 60 this week
  6. her private instagram
  7. update: she also posted a new photo on notoriouswhitegirl, unfollowed 2 people and 4 unfollowed her
  8. The thing that people don’t understand about her is that she has a HUGE audience, besides posting selfies and pics of her / her friends at the protest (which is great), she could post a IG story with a list of donation links or put a link on her bio. Way more helpful than posting pics of her “baddie” friends at the protests or posing.
  9. these posts scream *enough activism for today* watch her post a snippet of a song she will release in 2021 next
  10. Jorge AKA china.palace
  11. Don’t think that’s a good place for her to live since Jorge lives there LMAO
  12. Now that Anonymous is back at it, get her Instagram and give it back to her when she decides to promote her new album
  13. ok now don’t use your phone ever again
  14. She wasn’t there, she got the photos and vids from her friend
  15. wtf is she doing... just take it down
  16. Kehlani also posted about her on her IG story
  17. LDR don’t be ignorant challenge
  18. Good that she posted - Not sure that she went tho, in the last video it’s her friend Valerie that is filming.
  19. @jenstith, white privilege is really showing
  20. So you were racist just for attention...
  21. You should take a break after that disgusting post you just made and educate yourself.
  22. "I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov", are you serious? People DIE. Shut up, thank you
  23. So her status is more important than spreading awareness about this horrible thing? Oh well
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