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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. Good morning, I see lots of WPs coming, you guys who posted lyrics and asked for links should edit! I could barely sleep because I was so shook about how amazing the album is. I can't get over it. I will never doubt lana ever again
  2. Ok I have to be awake in 5 hours and don't function well low on sleep so I'm going to attempt to sleep now despite my excitement. Good night LB, it's been fun, everyone stay out of trouble and give poor Elle a break
  3. It does, so we can describe song vibes etc with no lyrics and say if we like them or not. I just want to scream 1 single word from Cherry because it's hilarious but I'm holding it in
  4. I wouldn't say it sucks but I did literally fall on the floor in a fit of laughter and actual tears came out from laughing so hard
  5. Yes..........I'm so confused about what we're allowed to talk about lol I don't want to get in trouble for being too specific
  6. How can you not fucking love in my feelings?? She's so angry!
  7. The Stevie slander is killing me. The song is beautiful
  8. Why are there so many users here when we're not allowed to talk about it Why am I here
  9. I was actually thinking that but I think sassy Lana is actually back (I edited your quote in case that counts as discussing lyrics I don't want to get put on mod queue lol sry luv ya )
  10. "He was on his knees and I thought he was breaking 'em down with his words and his voice divine"
  11. Omg I thought it was hunter bc of the icon and earlier I thought that user was terrencelovesme as well
  12. Hahaha yeah now we have to have actual conversation with real words and sentences oh my
  13. Lmao it's wisconsinpuppylove I love you @wisconsinpuppylove !
  14. My job that I've devoted the last 6 years of my life to just royally fucked me over and snubbed me and I am so upset right now did the album leak or what??
  15. That's the same one someone posted here yesterday it's fake af
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