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Please be careful sharing Sparklejumpropequeen links, they can potentially have your full e-mail on them ×


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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. Wow! Its my first i don't even care if she sings video games ten times lol I'm just so happy. (Jk lana dont get ideas) Yay!!!!
  2. I got tickets!! Holy fucking shit I'm so excited!!! Did anyone else get them?
  3. You need to buy something from the store and we'll get a code tomorrow morning and then they go on sale at 10 AM Edit: https://shoplanadelrey.com/pages/lust-for-life-ticket-pre-sale-access
  4. I think it just goes with the other lyrics about dancing "cut a rug" etc
  5. It's the meaning behind it and I like the breathy sound she makes during the "silence"
  6. Oh cool I didn't hear that. Now I get the curiosity lol. Wow I really want to know who it is
  7. I feel like it's not actually names being censored, I think it's for the listener to add a personal name themselves in a way. Idk. She rewrote the whole song, why would she leave that line in and censor it if she was redoing it all anyways? Someone needs to ask her if they meet her.
  8. It's the exact tone/melody my husband uses to summon her. She runs to my speakers or phone looking for him
  9. Hotmail.com* I bet she found this phone and was already logged on:
  10. My dog goes nuts when she hears the whistles in white mustang. She's not smart
  11. I feel like she was in a really good mood when she decided to do the phone call thing and woke up this morning saying "holy shit why would I call these little fuckers when all they're gonna do is ask who K is?"
  12. @'s totally don't work I don't even get the point
  13. If you posted your number publicly yeah I'd say it's a troll
  14. Do you have a link where I could watch the stream? I hope someone recorded it.
  15. Wait LMFAO why is this so hilarious http://instagram.com/p/BXErfBogSRA/ I want to hang out with her so badly
  16. The more videos the better but I hope there is another video after this. At least one more. I'd die for a summer bummer vid with rocky and a cherry video. White mustang is my least favorite song on the album but I do still like it. Thank god I'll have a video to get the image of the white mustang being g easy's dick out of my head. Damn you whoever made that joke.
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