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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. YES she did soo good vocally, I was so happy about that. It made up for when she mixes up her own lyrics haha I was wearing exactly the same outfit as her
  2. Here's the video I took of it http://instagram.com/p/BYuAJo_haS3/
  3. She still sang the line "hit me and it felt like a kiss" didn't she say she hated it and wasn't going to sing it anymore?
  4. I deactivated it lmao idk why, I killed my fb a week ago and after the withdrawals subsided I liked being without it so when I was drunk (shocker I know) last night I killed my insta as well. But yeah I'm sober now and bored so imma bring it back
  5. HOLY FUCK when they let you guys stand up it was soooo crazy looking from up here. I wish I had notice so I could have gotten video I'm gonna follow you I'm @trica__ people can follow me if they want, I'll post vids and pics
  6. Wave at the left balcony! That's where I am you guys look so cute sitting on the floor lmao
  7. Yeah I really hate how fans sing the songs at the top of their lungs. Like why? I love belting out her songs in my god awful voice in the privacy of my car but at a show I want to hear her sing. I'm kind of excited to watch the sea of bodies from the balcony. I just hope I get a good view of her from up there :/
  8. She could have just archived her insta posts. You can restore them if you do that I believe
  9. I heard people started lining up yesterday and they even had a security guard watching them so I guess they gave up on that rule pretty quick lol
  10. Khris ily but AHS has gone downhill so bad and itll still be there for me to attempt to watch on Wednesday
  11. Yes I did! Can't fucking wait. I gotta work in the AM so I won't be able to get towards the front and I'm scared of The San Francisco Gays™ lmao but I'm gonna try to go upstairs to the seats and try to get close to the stage up there
  12. Is that what that 13 beaches snip was for? It wasn't any different. I figured he was trying to fill the time while I decided what to share
  13. And tostb acapella which made her sound even more crazed than the studio version lol
  14. He said matb4 (I think those were the letters?) is coming. What is that
  15. Is it not "but I'm coming up roses"? That is a phrase
  16. It's only been 2 days since someone asked lol but has anyone gotten their tickets or even an email? Beginning to get annoyed. Is this normal?
  17. I just got back in town to find out she's using Snapchat now lol I just posted like a week ago that I gave up and deleted the app from my phone and that she would be posting on it any day now
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