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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. Reddit stans making the ldr sub into a Halsey sub for April fools....the worst. Stickied a Halsey tweet and titled it "we have a date". Rude
  2. She posted almost every day for 1 week and then disappeared. And none of the posts were revealing. But love was pushed out so early because of the leak. I think this week was when stuff was supposed to start happening. She hasn't posted today but I think with the Snapchat thing and the trailer (which is huge) she is gaining momentum. I don't think she'll disappear for another month after dropping that amazing trailer. That would just be dumb
  3. It looks like when I was 9 and made "art" on MS paint and would slap a big ass title on it with the text feature
  4. Well there was this from feb 1 So sounds like they're friends. Doubt they'd collab again but I'd die if they would finish and release Ridin
  5. I have had iggy pop stuck in my head since Wednesday. I CANNOT WAIT to hear the title track so my brain associates the words "lust for life" with Lana
  6. I have high hopes for the videos. We need some iconic classics to put up there with national anthem and ride.... honeymoon vids weren't very memorable
  7. I had the same thoughts. Maybe they view it as more radio friendly which could mean faster tempos and more heavy production like btd
  8. That's true so instead maybe she can get Lou reed now since he flaked on her last time
  9. I don't expect it to be on the album but why would the song be registered recently? Who can register songs? Anyone in connection to it or just the writer or performer? Or anyone in general who wants to fuck with people's emotions?
  10. Lmao whoever did it definitely lost steam when they got to the blue part
  11. More festivals? Wish she'd do a regular tour ugh
  12. https://instagram.com/p/BSRg39GgVg3/ There's those ingredients again
  13. Great, I sense another Life is Beauitful situation
  14. I really hope "SR" the alleged horror themed song wasn't really scrapped. If it really is horror themed then it sounds like it would fit with the witchy thing she's got going on. Do we know for sure it was scrapped?
  15. So it's sounding like Abel collabed for her title track?
  16. Holy FUUUUUCK this is worth the terrible wait she put us through
  17. Is your phone switched to silent? I thought it was silent until I switched it on
  18. Don't you have to follow Lana to get the filter? I don't really understand Snapchat but that's what i gathered
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