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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. I don't think so lol unless I am the crazy one And I love stargirl in case that wasn't clear
  2. Did she make 4 posts and delete one? I just woke up to 4 notifications and there's 3 posts. Prob doesn't matter anyways since it was probably "Jesus guy"
  3. This must be when the real pre-album meltdown starts
  4. I'm not too familiar with most of her songs but I know if you want to have a good cry, this video always does it for me. So much emotion, especially knowing about her younger years
  5. This website thing is confusing, I think it's just not a very well designed website. But the idea of something huge coming tomorrow is making me more excited about the fact that tomorrow is my Monday. Plz Lana
  6. Now I got curious and tried from my computer and it still just redirects to enter site page
  7. It was like this yesterday too but I thought it was just my phone. Are you on a phone
  8. She looks so good in that pic with Courtney
  9. I live in the US and ordered one ($20). I hope I get the first cover. I'll pay someone in the Uk to send me the one i want if I get the other plzzzz
  10. Could pre order be next fri, the day after the mag comes out? I hope tomorrow though
  11. "One of the longest interviews they've ever done" Ps I've never ordered from another country (I'm in US), will I be able to buy this?
  12. I noticed the long neck right away and it's the only thing that kinda bugs me. It has to be shopped right? If I were her I wouldn't want to see some of the rude things people say about her here lol
  13. I love the actual cover ......but I might love this more.
  14. Great now iggy's lfl will be stuck in my head again for a week, I thought we were past this lmao
  15. I was actually just comparing them. I think she has more bottom liner in the cover and not much on the feb video Edit:
  16. Did anyone notice on one post her location is hollyweird and another is no location and the last is hollywierd spelled wrong I love her
  17. Here I made this so we can compare trucks. It's def the Love truck but I think it may be the same model as BTD and is at the very least intentional.
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