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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. She's dumb as a rock. That shitty "article" and a truly talented queen telling you off are nothing to be proud of. Write something good and get some praise from someone meaningful and then be proud
  2. Yeah the SNIPPETS from the yet to be released Elle interview actually have information. The Spin article is literally about nothing. Lmao
  3. This is amazing. Best thing to happen this era yet
  4. Is that for reals? Why? Judging by the comments on there, people don't like spin?
  5. I like the no change to Fine China, TVIBAW and JFK lmao
  6. 571 pages Guys we're just a couple meltdowns away from 600 pages :')
  7. I mean I like that "she draws the line then she blows it" line, Florida kilos vibes, but the rest of that is gross, unimaginative and flat
  8. Ok I was annoyed were talking about Miley but then I just went and checked it out. I'm actually here for it. And I'm relieved she grew her hair out. She's so pretty. Come on lanaaaaa I don't want to be more excited for Miley than lfl
  9. LMAO I love u Same, I wasn't sure what to really expect and then WOW it was the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed. she knows how to put on a show and I hope she keeps doing it for a long time. I know she's getting older but you'd never know it by looking at her and watching her perform
  10. No thread for the iconic Queen of burlesque? Dita and Lana are queens of the world in my eyes. I'm sure this thread won't get much traction since she isn't a singer but I'd love to see your favorite pics of her or anything else interesting. She just announced another set of dates for her tour The Art of the Teese. I already got my ticket for July in San Francisco. This will be my second time seeing her. Is anyone else going or has been before? Here's the best pic I got when I saw her last year for her tour Strip Strip Hooray: And a recent photo that instantly became one of my favorites:
  11. Can I jump on this train too, I like drama @pinupgirl
  12. Remember way back in the original pre pre release that started in what like November? When people were like omg if she makes us wait til Jan I'll die. And here we are in May with no end in sight
  13. She landed in la yesterday, there's a thread where an obnoxious pap was bugging her at lax
  14. The lb meltdown will be of epic proportions if the album doesn't drop on the 26th even if she is dead silent until then
  15. That's the first time I've seen her smoking in awhile. Or am I trippin?
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