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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. When is the last time she said "soon" in reference to the whole album? The recent lfl teaser saying "soon" was for the video I believe. And I think the promo truck at her show yesterday was also just for the video. I'm thinking it got pushed back some time ago because she hasn't said soon in awhile now. The last I remember was the billboards at Coachella but those were probably made/planned out earlier and couldn't be changed. I thought WTWWAWWKD and 13 beaches are not confirmed
  2. That doesn't look like Yosemite. I could be wrong though
  3. I kinda like freak but they aren't remotely similar so yeah I agree. I don't understand why people were comparing them earlier
  4. Cherry w/ her drop - http://instagram.com/p/BUVqazgl6v2/ I'm sorry but her dancers look like santa's little helpers
  5. Love it so much! Listened on repeat for 45 min on my way home. I neeeeeed the studio version. It sounds amazing.
  6. I'm not going to be able to watch the stream or really be on here today but I'm praying it's fantastic and she actually does Cherry and I hope I log on later for some news although I'm not getting my hopes up. Happy Saturday LB <3
  7. Ok I am of the opinion the album is coming July (or June) as much as it physically and spiritually pains me to admit to myself. I've also just convinced myself of that so I'm not disappointed on the 26. That said, if it doesn't come next week, there's going to be major meltdowns. Is there a good chance it will leak if that's the case? Disclaimer: I am not in any way hoping it leaks so don't come at me. Just curiosity
  8. We need her to snap a la "it's coming you little bitch" to upgrade this mess from "tragic and annoying" to "iconic"
  9. It really does seem like a bad idea. But let's be honest, were all gonna be here proclaiming our wigs flew
  10. you think Love is truly terrible? It's not my fave lana song but I think it's good Lfl on the other hand.... And Coachella isn't on the album
  11. @elle you see that gigantic bag of strawberries chuck is eating on live?
  12. A lifetime of depression and and just accepting this is how it is and will always be and just gotta push through one thing and then another it's not a good thing and I wish had answers to fix it for me and for everyone else
  13. Same, I know the album will be good especially after hearing Cherry and I've talked myself into not caring about the date. I'm pretty good at avoiding my emotions which is actually a bad thing but in the short term I am much happier
  14. lol I know hun, should have quoted the person who said no one complained yet
  15. Someone complained a couple pages ago. Can't please everyone but I think this is the first song the vast majority of us already love and agree it is outstanding already
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