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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. I am late but I was working so I'm sorry but can we revisit this because I didn't properly get my hype out. I would diiiieeeee of happiness. For me it's Amy cover or none at all. Omg I hope it happens. Plz Lana And please be wake up alone. Or fuck me Pumps as if that would ever happen but it would be hilarious
  2. I lease a car so no. Do you own a house
  3. Are you still cracked out and not knowing how to count? Lmao I'm so sorry I had to say something I'm sure if you close the tab and re open it'll be mobile. My phone goes back to mobile all the time on its own but I prefer desktop
  4. Better make your next epic essay the most grandiose of all bc it'll be #1000. Or #2000 if you ask @salinathescammer
  5. Ben had a meltdown on insta and said the album is delayed for more collabs and it caused a meltdown here
  6. I typed that link in and it says it doesn't exist? If he's being for real, he is brave
  7. I just woke up and scanned thru these last pages pretty quick and didn't see it so sry if I'm late lol
  8. I'm curious WHEN they decided to delay to add collabs and songs. She turned Coachella around so quick and it's very obvious it was a rush job. I hope the new additions won't have the same crappy production and low quality lyrics. I hope we don't say she should have kept these songs for ldr6 and perfected them.
  9. I like some lines and I think I could like the whole thing with some lyric tweaking and completely different production
  10. Me after reading some of the things said in here
  11. It's kind of sad going through this anticipation twice. I mean I'm over it and have accepted the date. But we've been pumped for tracklisf and pre order for months now and then ultimately accepted we weren't getting it. Now we still don't know if we will get even a track list and we have to wait 2 months to find it out.
  12. Smh I don't even get excited at her insta notifications anymore. It's always meaningless
  13. I have the opposite. Doesn't show on my phone but I just got on the computer and WOW it's so amazing! I only Go on here on my phone tho so I hope it shows on there eventually
  14. I wish I could see the theme. What does it look like? I'm on mobile but I have the desktop version loaded but all I see is a beige background
  15. I'm really curious about the reason why it was delayed. We'll probably never know
  16. Why are we talking about eating ass and why does anyone give a shit what people do in their beds I don't know if I can keep doing this until July lol
  17. Cwimm isn't on album. It's Coachella gurl where u at? And bar is not confirmed. And you're missing the Stevie song
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