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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. I wonder if she is ever going to do something with Snapchat. I created an account just bc she did. I'm waiting until lfl release to delete the app. What if she comes out of left field and does something crazy with her account?
  2. Its a ghost town now but I'm so glad we're back on. It's my Friday and I'm not doing shit but drinking on my couch watching movies and for the last couples hours I've been all:
  3. Lanaboards is back. And it's Honeymoon as ever. Sorry Elle ily no rush <333
  4. I know, I've been burned too many times and I'm now jaded and don't believe anything lol. Lana could walk into my house and say it's coming Friday and I'd be like "lemme see the receipts"
  5. Just the usual date speculation. Nothing interesting. Oh and someone made a fake song registry for a dua lipa / Lana collab called "push back" and no one saw the joke and there was a small meltdown
  6. Youll learn, people do this all the time in this thread so I never even blink anymore. One day someone's going to leak something epic and ill never know it
  7. My biggest takeaway here is you think people fake being gay here? What an odd thought
  8. Are we sure this is real I mean it kinda seems like a sick joke
  9. Yeah that's when the first 2 dates had something happen. Nothing happened on the 3rd one though
  10. Yeah the only thing I think we can gather as fact from his comment is that the July 21 date is fake. Otherwise he would have said "hello did you not read Paris match bitches?"
  11. Ily guys but it makes me sad when I don't know what you're saying lol
  12. :'( this is truly terrible. I feel so bad for the victims and families ugh now I'm crying at work
  13. Inb4 they're making Coachella production better and the albums being delayed for it
  14. Cherry gives me hope and I sorta like Love. Tbh if we didn't hear cherry I would be skeptical about this album too. I don't like lfl the song and honestly I think the video made the song a little better but I prob won't watch it again. It was kinda boring. Bar is great and I hope its on the album
  15. @terrencelovesme now is the time to make one of your predictions because maybe you'll be right this time lol...I hope!!!
  16. Haha I knew it, she was probably like oh fuck I need to fix this before they lose their minds
  17. Am i trippin, I swear when I first looked it said "lust for life out tomorrow" but I think she went and changed it to say "lust for life video out tomorrow" or am I making things up
  18. So adorable Sorry I'm really struggling with imgur right now lol https://imgur.com/a/ESUai
  19. I'm bored and curious about how many people believe what. Never made a poll before I so I hope i did it right. Maybe we can keep the discussion/speculation about the date contained here instead of clogging up the pre release thread because I know some people get annoyed by that
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