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  1. that is so bizzare.. it's crazy to think this could be somethnig as Lana's concert
  2. If this is a surprise album it will be a surprise to the music industry rather than the fans kinda.. I mean it was pretty obvious to many of the beyhive that Lemonade was on its way, but it was still a surprise release to the industry. but, who knows
  3. they KILLED THEMSELVES? this video is all kinds of fucked up omg....
  4. reputation

    Katy Perry

    omg that performance.. my eyes are destroyed. what the hell was she thinking? poor her mentality
  5. y'all really think they holding back the date bc Lanaboards was making fun of their managers?? Lmaooo.. they are grown ass men. the fuck you mean
  6. I really liked it actually. by the sounds of her I don't really think it's 100% final.
  7. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/8911-interview-with-ted-stryker-for-kroq/
  8. I told y'all Lana's team wasn't doing shit!! I told y'all!!!! I will be transcribing this later
  9. erm, why would Lana do an interview for a radio host yet not let him post it, even as giving him sensitive information (to apparently not be able to post it) barely knowing him?
  10. whatever her "team" wants doesn't change anything. for her team to censor that Ted did would not be plausible, like Lana willingly did it so why not release it?
  11. that makes like.. no sense. why would Ben willingly censor an interview becuase it had the release date?? like why would Lana even say that if Ben was just gonna censor her? lel
  12. just had a dream that beyonce came up to us in a boat on the shore and told me & my mom taht shes having a daughter named deanna.
  13. more so a good guess. "only good people die young", Lana being usually suicidal in her videos, hoyllwood deaths etc. and moonshowers is a fraud.
  14. me because LFL hasn't been released https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/18672511_314468152316121_2557539650516287488_n.mp4
  15. "Lana & Abel - NK.pdf".. interseting, there's 9 pics. hoping we get all of them
  16. middle aged? laugh out loud! Lana is nowhere near middle-aged
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