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Everything posted by Lust

  1. pretty when you cry was almost one take, and that was pretty amazing too knowing Lana i'm sure she'll use that footage for a third time. And no we have no idea what the lead could be. I could see it being cinnamon, but it could be a song we haven't heard at all.
  2. yea and her dancers look like they're being held hostage
  3. happiness is a butterfly could have such a beautiful music video, instead we're getting the mess they shot with her cracked iphone
  4. I wonder if she'll talk about being a baddie lol
  5. This era has the best music but I have very little hype for it because everything she's releasing is taking some time for me to get into and properly love, but once I get into it, I end up loving it even more than a song she could've released that was easy to get into. Like with Venice Bitch I really didn't enjoy it at first listen as much as I did LFL singles, but when I properly got into it, I know it's one of the best songs she's ever released.
  6. Lust

    Charli XCX

    Well they're both mixtapes they're supposed to be kinds projects that are done fast. And even though N1A does sound more polished, the instrumentals of some of the songs really sound like the lack substance and this isn't the case on POP2 in which they all sound like masterpieces
  7. I wonder if she's working on "baddie music" since she's in a baddie mood
  8. Kdksjdj it's still not concrete though she said she's not one thousand percent sure
  9. I hope not, if we're gonna get ugly visuals, can we atleast get a nice soundtrack
  10. Well it depends, based on how well her next few singles are promoted and if they're commercial or not, it could flop or perform like LFL. I feel like venice bitch and MAC were just buzz singles/end of summer jams like she said, and we'll get a proper lead with maybe a more commercial sound and minor Love level promo in the coming months. This might let the casual fans tune in and know that an album is on the way. But if we get more singles with non-existent promo, it might perform worse than Honeymoon. I feel like Interscope will probably not let this happen, but you never know!
  11. Girl I need the anti-aging cream that venice bitch uses for when I'm forty, because this bitch never seems to age
  12. she probably thinks the MAC and VC videos themselves are a visual feast
  13. Venice bitch literally puts me in a trance sometimes, I love it so much. Today I was feeling nautious and put on Venice bitch, and just felt so much better aftwards. It also makes my headache go away sometiems. It's simply the best track she could've released.
  14. Lust

    Ariana Grande

    Why do her concert tickets gotta be so damn expensive she hates her broke fans I guess
  15. Lust

    Charli XCX

    No angel is xcx's best song, and that's not an opinion, it's a fact, kiss kiss!
  16. I really needed all the pop bangers this album served like LFL, cherry, groupie love, summer bummer, and change!
  17. It took me a very long time to love Venice bitch too, now I truely acknowledge it as one of Lana's best tracks!
  18. Lust

    Charli XCX

    What are charli's best unreleased?
  19. Lust

    Charli XCX

    Omg what category?
  20. Lust

    Charli XCX

    i feel the contrary, I want an album of bangers like 1999 and no angel but a few chill tracks would be nice too why do we think she's gonna release come to my party? is there any solid reason to believe this or that if it's gonna be on the album?
  21. what's wrong with the lyrics? They're so beautiful, they give me both ultraviolence and paradise vibes. They really have that classic lana del rey feel to them which I adore and feel like MAC lacks. MAC lyrics are great but I just feel like they're not very lana del rey
  22. Lust

    Instagram Updates

    A Christmas song about McDonald's? Omg we stan!
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