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Posts posted by Cashew

  1. No for me Pixar is by far better than Disney...


    Do you think Miley Cyrus Dead Petz album is decent?

    No, it was absolutely despicable

    also a quick side note, Pixar is part of Disney


    Do you agree with "the customer is always right" sentiment?

  2. PLEASE DOES ANYONE HERE IS EXCITED FOR THE LAST OF US PART 2 IM SO READY FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF AFTER 4 YEARS   :trisha:  :trisha:  :trisha:  :trisha:  :trisha:  :trisha:  :trisha:  :trisha:  :oprah:  :oprah:  :oprah:  :oprah:  :oprah:  :oprah:  :oprah:  :wowcry:  :wowcry:  :wowcry:  :wowcry:

    I'm so ready for it I can't wait to see how the story continues after the last one


    Guys thank you so much for all those amazing comments. Love Y'all :kiss:




    I had this idea of Lust for Life being a movie, so bring some Street Urban Advertising sort of thing like the UV era

    (Let's imagine it since Interscope it's not doing the job for our Queen)








    + THIS COVER COULD HAVE BEING AMAZING. Shout Out to @@Trash Magic for removing The Trash The Weeknd from the cover...




    Holy shit, this is amazing, I love this soo much

  4. It went wrong the minute it was delayed from last October to June. She was happy with the album and then everyone didn't like the artwork so she changed that and then she started changing everything else while she was at it and now half the songs are released, she's fucked up with entire tracklist and ditched songs that people actually liked for ones that no one asked for and I think we all know I mean the Chris Martin one. 

    We should've just accepted the artwork then even though it was so fugly :rip:

  5. At what point did this album go wrong? When it was first announced everyone was super excited for it and now a lot of people are disappointed in it without it being released. 

  6. She should've just have had New Love, Last Dance, Be The One, and Hotter Than Hell (plus maybe an extra song) be on an EP so that she would atleast have something out by now. The albums coming out over a year and a half after the first single New Love was released. 

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