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Everything posted by theviolence

  2. Why do I believe her this time https://www.instagram.com/p/CVoX7sqPlnJ/?utm_medium=copy_link
  3. I feel like BB is closing this arc of critical turbulence she's been caught in since NFR (both the initial good will she finally had and then losing much of it so soon after) and revisiting that similar turmoil at the beginning of her career with BTD, and I think she means very deliberately for this whole thing to be very profound and /final/ in a sense. Like, this is her processing her trauma of being Lana Del Rey, from start to end, from Video Games to Arcadia type of thing. So I would be very interested to see where she goes next. I think NFR-COCC-BB is comparable to her BTD-UV-HM run; an overarching era with some very distinct personal disposition that comes out in the content of each album, e.g. what she sings about and her style of storytelling, the imagery she uses etc. I expect the next album to be very very very different, perhaps less immediately intimate.
  4. I can't listen to white mustang because of the weak ass whistling at the end... It just sounds so strained and flat, hollow, empty. Like you can just tell she was trying her hardest to whistle that tune and that's why it's so bad Whoever did the whistling on pumped up kicks should've been enlisted for WM because its just another reason I don't revisit LFL too much
  5. Lana shouldve covered Misery is a Butterfly (by Blonde Redhead) on the NFR tour. It makes perfect sense as a parallel to HIAB, plus that song with a trip hop arrangement around it a la the verses of DBJAG + orchestral undertones would fit her so well. I wish she'd fully go in this direction again, it's so much more interesting than what she seems to be doing now
  6. Wow I forgot about her borns phase. I suppose she dropped him after the pedo allegations??
  7. We need Lana's speak-singing blunt satire 2020s pessimism post-punk album, with the title: Talking Like An Answering Machine. Not that moody, she'll have bursts of exhaustion and delirium while she drones a single line on and on and on and on for a whole song Is she for real? Yes she is, no she isn't, the album to confound everybody
  8. theviolence


    Somehow these singles are really reaffirming why NFR is so legendary. Not even in terms of direct influence on lorde, just in hearing elements of its sound elsewhere makes me appreciate how well Lana did it two years ago lol. NFR is like the BTD of the late 2010s/early 2020s, a brilliantly crafted seminal precursor/inspiration to a new string of alt-pop albums that adopt that sound, heralding a new paradigm in the genre etc. I feel like we're definitely in the midst of this very particular chill/folky/surfy sparse sunshine scene of alt-pop music right now that people are gonna look back on in like five years and reminisce over the same way people look back to 2011-2014 and reminisce over albums like BTD, pure heroine, electra heart, etc I think california is the best song of solar power so far anyhow
  9. Random observation but I think the ADIAML cover bears this obscure similarity to the NFR cover lol. I think it's because of the blue and the comic book/superhero undertones in both (in the pops of colour and the fonts). And something to do with how they both pose, this intensity in facial expression coupled with hands that are reaching out
  10. I'm genuinely pumped for this album to come out, I've never followed a marina release before
  11. theviolence

    Weyes Blood

    Does anyone have DL links for Strange Chalice of Seeing and Liquor Castle? Can't find them anywhere apart from YouTube but I want the files separated into their respective tracks
  12. The drums in WW remind me of when the trumpets kick in in I Can Fly, both very euphoric moments The songs are v similar in theme too
  13. Her new singles absolutely slap!? Her last album was too placid for me
  14. So fucking good top to bottom left to right up and down from side to side
  15. Manifesting something as summery chill and full of progressive longing as Wildflower by Beach House
  16. Wildflower Wildfire= Rock Text Book = Candy Blue Banisters = Sweet
  17. Positive discrimination still exists because patriarchy still exists Men don't have to be actively oppressing women in order for patriarchy to exist, the patriarchal structure is what reproduces the oppression and men passively benefit from it. It's not a villain narrative. Men and women can be agents of patriarchy. And we're all agents /within/ patriarchy. Also I'm dubious of any empirical assessment that says we're post-patriarchy, or post-racism, or post-homophobia, or whatever. Usually people just point to the very shallow instances of legislation that make us feel accomplished, which only leads to neglect of deeper and consistent manifestations of injustice. Sexism isn't solved because women have greater representation in the workplace, or in parliament. But whatever this is lanaboards
  18. Yeah exactly, feminism is about liberation from patriarchy. Patriarchy is the pervasive structure, the object of feminist discourse. "men and women should be equal" is reductive and the only reason it ever gets invoked (including in this thread) is because people want feminism to be palatable by repackaging it into some neoliberal individual responsibility type of idea, totally dodging the idea of dismantling harmful structures. You lot really think feminism is just when men and women get along? And when women are mean to men, they're defeating the feminist mission? Not the girlboss wave of feminism rotting brains That said, marina commodifying feminism is also super lib Also the way Google definitions are being thrown around lol... if only life was so simple.
  19. I am super not bothered with blue banisters. Maybe this is the definitive point of me having moved past Lana, but I'm just not into it. I just hope I can listen to this album and think "Yes, she did it again!" and feel a newness about her music again. I really liked cocc but the short blue banisters snippet was almost exhausting for me to listen to because I was just searching for something /else/. She used to do it all the time. I hate to be that guy, but the first time I heard the WC snippet? I was floored. Every single from UV was an experience upon release. And then HM, LFL, NFR - every release was a high, every teaser promised something thematically different and sonically ~interesting~. Blue banisters is like when I heard that leaked snippet of LMLYLAW - just overdone, stale, did not want to revisit it. And I can't bring myself to get hyped over the potential building atmosphere in the background lollll but I do hold out hope that BB will be cool nonetheless Also those lyrics are kind of horrible but whatever
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