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Everything posted by terusama

  1. It'll probably be like "you said you'd come tomorrow, but tomorrow never came / you weren't in the spot you said to wait"
  2. Arent they all (besides the wine one) just actual old pics photoshopped
  3. can someone fill me in? I've had a really bad day and I just can't manage to flip back through the pages.
  4. I really feel like this album (from what we've got so far) would've been better as a simple acoustic album. LFL so far is the only song that seems to be able to hold up to its production. Both Love and this single have themselves contorting into uncomfortable lyrical, phrasal turns as they clash with the production which comes off as forced and unflattering. I can't help but think she herself had imagined most of these songs as acoustic but decided to dress them up in production in order to be more salable/to make it "for the fans". I wish she would've just done what felt natural. Maybe this is exactly what she wanted though.
  5. Also... she has literally said nary a peep about this song coming out... ??? this era
  6. Besides her demos this is honestly her worst production-wise: I hope the version on the album addresses some of it.
  7. The production is really bad, honestly sounds like it was mixed and mastered in like 24 hours. Yikes.
  8. With this title I hope the song doesn't take itself too seriously... if it was playful and self aware I could see it working:
  9. Ok, let me try... Okay, I know this is really (weird?) but I'm gonna take the time to rant because I'm really mad, these (this?) fucking (hot ass bitch?) who keeps keeping on my life and it's like, bitch, don't I have anything better to do, like (idk?) go for your lame ass shit. Okay, I'm sorry for ranting, like I could explain it all to you but never mind, I don't feel like explaining. But guys, I love you so much, donate to lanaboards.com i love you ex oh ex oh ex oh wait, I can just type xoxoxoxoxo mwah! fish lips, you know, like Dua Lipa.
  10. "Im drunk as sin, but apparently a new Lana song is confirmed called Coachella - Woodstock on my Mind."
  11. The screenshot was taken around midnight in the apps countries of influence, right? Like it's past midnight right now in Saudi Arabia and past 11 in Egypt. So it probably means two days from Sunday
  12. on BBC didn't she talk about like 2 or 3 singles coming before release? like girl wyd it's been 4 weeks since LFL the single edit: LOL right as I was bitching
  13. Were all stuck like some Waiting for Godot shit. We don't know who or what Godot is or why we're waiting for it, but still we sit here and wait for it, making meaningless gestures to pass the time (without any idea of how much time is left)
  14. Lana: ive got lots of exciting things for you in the coming weeks me: iVe gOt lOts 0f eXcIt1nG THinGs FoR yOu In Th3 cOmInG wEeKs spongebobmock.jpg
  15. what is going on w this era omg is she pulling a UV and having it re-produced or something? why is there absolutely no info from her about the release
  16. lol maybe i shouldnt have used such a contentious example
  17. my point wasnt to "bring it up" for discussion, i just meant to point out that lana can do shitty things without g-eazy's (or anyone's) help.
  18. lol did you forget the headdress in the ride video she doesn't need g-eazy for that.
  19. If Lana posts anything on IG today it's gonna be about Comey
  20. really excited for lanas first xmas album, lfl
  21. person in the coca cola shirt carrying a fifth of tequila LOL
  22. maybe in the end the real Lust for Life was the friends we made along the way
  23. honestly it's kinda freaking me out, this is the mentality of the fans who broke into her house
  24. We have the same hair today edit: were also both wearing boots, jeans and a high collared shirt w a jacket. Connected psychically
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