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Everything posted by terusama

  1. where is electric body lol, they need to see this
  2. "I can't be bothered to look to for the information but I'm having a disproportionate emotional reaction to the information I didn't bother to find!"
  3. It's me, I was lana all along (is the rubber mask in this pic also supposed to look like her face lmao)
  5. Hey, that snippet was pretty good. I've been interested to hear this song from the snippet she posted on insta, my reservations about the title aside. The snippet has whet my appetite even more.
  6. if somebody brings up that stupid "OIHGIURBG ONE VIDEO ISNT PUBLIC IUHHHUHUHUHUH" thing one more time im gonna rip out my hair
  7. Did you forget the whole of btd Or "I grew up on hip hop"
  8. I go to sleep and then to work and miss something, what's going on?
  9. Don't fret, there may still be a world wide release tomorrow. But if there isn't it's not the end of the world.
  10. the editing on the klein shoot is serving these teas
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/BV3USlEFyw1/ equestrian bitch I find this video strangely erotic...
  12. Right before I saw summer bummer, I definitely did not think so, which is why I made that bet with you. Lol. But now there's this single coming out, makes me think things might go back on track? But she hasn't said nary a peep. Very frustrating. I'm quite ambivalent at this point
  13. yas lana, keep saying nothing, work that silence gurl, keep pretending like you don't have a single/album coming up, i am LIVING
  14. Every time I click on the title of this thread and not the "advance to last page" button i get a driver error
  15. Yeah I'm beginning to wonder if my pessimism about the album/era is just... my tastes evolving and not so much lanas failing. I still listen to her sometimes, but only really if im getting a crush on someone or just feeling myself. Not constantly like I used to. We'll see. The album might draw me back in but I'm not hopeful, and it's probably not even her fault (but boy is it fun to pretend it is)
  16. The person who tweeted about summer bummer was obviously shitposting, the only incredible thing here is that Lana has shitpost tier track titles
  17. If she covered Lou Reed after he was nearly on UV, that would be kind of bittersweet.
  18. Im willing to give the song itself a chance because the snippet sounded interesting, but the title is killing me. I don't even wanna talk about it on my twitter cause then ill have to fuckin unironically write the words "summer bummer"
  19. That ugly ass font. Ill remember for the future tho, if you ever want shit to suddenly start happening, just start making bets
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