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Everything posted by terusama

  1. What’s the point of invoking genres if you’re just going to apply them in any which way?
  2. I meant like a few years, not 1.5 years. I feel if she really truly took her time she would find new sources of inspiration, lyrically and musically, and it would keep her from making last-minute decisions. Just a thought. Could be wrong.
  3. I don't have a valentine today, but I handed roses out to my friends.
  4. where the fuck did all those cat-creature gifs come from
  5. I think if we are talking about lyrics alone, BtD wins the album rank hands-down. What LFL has in diversity of subject matter, BtD makes up for in spades with cleverness and novelty.
  6. mfw my professor asks me a question i dont know the answer to
  7. we should have a poll for who hates vs who likes the clips (and the ambivalent vote)
  8. Don't worry, I'm sure mama Elle is going to spill the tea all over us when she gets back from the show
  9. My understanding is silver VIP is first to be sat in the pit but I could be wrong. Either way there was some kind of priority access lane for the pit, they got to go in 30 minutes early.
  10. At my venue, someone lined up with Silver VIP literally right as the doors were opening and still got barricade- there were only 50 people with VIP tickets at my venue though
  11. I really can't tell if the quality was better or if it was just because people weren't screaming, but it definitely seemed better.
  12. Okay so I decided to do a long write-up about my entire concert-going experience yesterday, mostly because the situation with game day and all was pretty unique. I know a lot of people don't care about the boring details of my life so everything that is about Lana is in bold so you can skip the stuff that's not about her.
  13. I know some people have already touched on this and LanaBoards probably doesn’t give a fuck about sports but when we were waiting in line we were literally surrounded by tailgaters all day because the sports stadiums and performing stadiums share a parking lot. All during the show people were asking about the score and when we found out the eagles had won the audience freaked the fuck out. It was great, lana fans and eagles fans all intermixed LOL
  14. In the title song of your second album “Ultraviolence” you sing “I love you forever”. Is this a Barrie (Lana’s boyfriend) song? No, “Ultraviolence” looks back on my time in New York. I was, for a while, part of a sloping underground scene, which was dominated by a guru. He believed in the concept of destroying his followers first and then rebuilding them. I fell for him because at that time, I longed for security. I wonder if this underground scene she refers to is in fact Road Recovery, which was at the time headed up by Gene Bowen (not sure if it still is), the organization's founder. (I wouldn't read too much into this though. Pure speculation.)
  15. Sorry if there is already a thread on this, but his album dropped yesterday, and she’s also got a feature on his song Blue Madonna. Gets a small solo at the end, it’s quire nice. Again if this is already being discussed please send me a link!
  16. Banned for having 1499 posts and not an even 1500
  17. this is by far my favorite live performance of hers of all time. just so much raw fucking energy
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