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Everything posted by HollywoodHills

  1. Me too. Thinking about the possibility, in the future, of the police being tipped off about some other psychopath but it being something they don't find to be credible.
  2. Lana's had so many stalkers it's terrifying.
  3. Someone already linked to his profile, and it's public, so I guess you can. Web link not phone please EDIT: It didn't load the first time it does now. thanks
  4. I don't know why this shocked me, but this time it did. So scary. I'm so glad he was arrested.
  5. Somebody please ask (yell) for her to perform Scarface during this tour. I'd love to see her reaction. Lyrically, to me, it's really the prequel to Burnt Norton. @@white gold ask her
  6. "Do I look high to you? That's because I am" is one of her most heartfelt and relatable lyrics for me. It's always been THAT poetic masterpiece.
  7. Is it more of a mood/vibe thing? The music fitting the atmosphere of summer vs autumn etc.
  8. Then again.. For example I hate Christmas music and all that kinda shit so I'm one of those people who will happily listen to Honeymoon all through December and it's always fitting for me. Same with UV or anything else.
  9. The way she phrased it sounded like she had just covered his song, but yeah she just meant that it reminded her of him I think. I don't even know who she was talking about but she said it took her back to that place she was in at the time.
  10. What's with the obsession of relating records to seasons? I understand it in a way, but.. idk. I feel like music is for any time. I get it but I don't. Then again I don't really get into the seasons I feel the same through the whole year lmao
  11. Those vocals I love how she forgot it was "cacciatore" in the chorus though lmao. is it just me that pays attention to the lyrics she forgets live? (not during Salvatore though). She'll sing other lines out of nowhere "Diamonds, I lost my friends and Bel Air now", "But you just stay lined up 'cause what can you do?", I always think of potential demos with those alternate lyrics when she does that.
  12. I've seen her twice. Once during the Paradise Tour, and once last year (not sure the tour even had a name but she was doing shows). I don't exactly have a great visual memory of the 2013 show but I know that she went further out of her comfort zone vocally, now she's a little more lazy, which people like to call "dreamy" lmao. It doesn't really bother me personally, but the last time I saw her was really forgettable. Just sounded like I was listening to the album. In person it was less impressive than seeing it on YouTube, but this tour is better. I remember the highlight of the last show of hers I attended being Music to Watch Boys To, simply bc I wanted her to perform it and didn't know if she would. All the hairflips and little movements where you see it online and she looks gorgeous, in person you don't really see it all from the same angle unless you're at the front row so really she just seems like she's high in person lmao
  13. https://www.homefacts.com/offender-detail/MI2030410/Ryan-Scott-Pitcher.html I have no comment on the so obviously insane rant but the person does exist and is a registered sex offender. he's 5"3 too so the comment about his height was accurate. Obviously it's nothing to do with Lana but I googled his name out of curiosity and found that. However he's in prison so the whole thing about ongoing unsolved murders is fake.
  14. Why didn't you just post the actual comments here? EDIT: okay someone else did. thanks @reputation
  15. Omg leave her alone lmao. Forcing her to create a MV for Cherry
  16. I love how everyone's just liking my posts and not responding because nobody can explain it
  17. I think she once had a playlist on MySpace titled "True Blue" aswell
  18. That doesn't make LFL a political ALBUM though Still wouldn't call it a political album as a whole.
  19. The album really isn't political in any way, at least not explicitly. It's mostly about Lana lmao
  20. Had to add to this to say that what's almost even funnier is that at the beginning of the clip you hear "Teen Idle, Take 2". She sang it twice. If that means she fucked up vocally on the first take that's just priceless. That is SO weird
  21. Has anyone ever asked Marina why she performed Teen Idle to primary school kids? It's hilarious lmao
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