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Everything posted by fessle

  1. basically i like covers and dont like remixes
  2. is anyone going to see sky on july 21st at pitchfork music festival in chicago?? i'm gonna be there!
  3. Hahaha I feel bad for Canadians but you're right. Small chance she'll do Vancouver, but prob just Toronto and Vancouver.
  4. It should be. With the hype from Y&B and the fact that it is summer with this single, it seems like things should add up in her favor! Hope they do. I just can't wait to see her in a month.
  5. It sounds really good what!! I love it. I'm sure she meant $$ as this was good lol
  6. Wow what an experience! I'm so glad that it worked out in the end and you got front row as well as met her and gave her your book. So awesome!!!
  7. fessle

    Twitter Updates

    I just really want her to follow me so I can tell everyone we're bffs. Her and me and 950 other people. I sent her some fanmail over seas but I'll never know if she read it.
  8. lol i still don't get why they were singing gaga glad you had fun though!!! security is usually very annoying anyway
  9. I was hoping to read more of your experience during the concert! I love reading show experiences hehe. I'm glad you got to meet her though! Amazing!! Congrats!
  10. Back to tha Basics - "Sit back in my pink cadillac"
  11. Lollapalooza arranged this show for Lana at the House of Blues, so you're right. However lola was trying to say that the HoB is a separate thing which it is, but for this specific show, Lollapalooza arranged this show. All I know is I'm seeing Lana two nights in a row!!
  12. Sorry! I should have posted the source. But it's already been posted. So excited!
  13. new date: August 1: Chicago, House of Blues (i got the format right hehe hope you dont mind if i posted this im just so excited)
  14. I didn't anticipate such a reaction either! Yeah. The inner selfish fan in me wants to keep her all to myself, but she's so talented and deserves all the success she gets, so I am happy more people are finally recognizing her abilities and voice. She will only get bigger! Especially with the US tour. She's conquered Europe, and I think the US/Canada are next!
  15. People in my school who never liked her suddenly do because of Y&B. I knew it would help a lot that she was featured in Gatsby!
  16. I'm also hoping Lana gets an aftershow for Lolla...dunno how that works though. It wouldn't be the same day though. After all, this year, it's not Lollapalooza...it's Lanapalooza.
  17. wait LOL @ that gap wow thats funny what an awesome experience!
  18. Carmen & Blue Jeans IDK but I don't like either them, idk how people love them so much xD
  19. What an awesome experience!! Can only hope my experience is just as great. And you deserve it for being so dedicated!
  20. I think the scheduling was poorly done. Lana is one of the more popular performers of the day and it was stupid to put her at the same time as the other two, and many want to see her...which just means stress for those people who wanna see the other two at that time aka evilentity which sucks. I don't particularly care for NIN or the killers, I thought it would be nice to see the killers buuuut guess i don't get to Not that I'm complaining, the whole reason I decided to go anyway was Lana
  21. Schedule announced! She's playing at the same time as The Killers & Nine Inch Nails! Which I guess is good, because it'll root out the true Lana fans. Not that I really care, I'll be front row anyway so I won't have to deal with annoying people in front of me. AHhhhHhhhHH so stoked.
  22. YESSSsSsSsS and it climbs back up. #20 on USA atm Sweetttt.
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