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Everything posted by fessle

  1. This Y&B remix is the worst thing I've heard Totally killed the soul in the song. *** I think National Anthem or Body Electric would work with the charts and radio.
  2. eh it can wait you can make up some excuse hopefully
  3. thought of you congrats! hope you can go
  4. why would she put song titles in that post though if they're not real (referring to earlier posts)
  5. its so goooooooooooooooooooood
  6. fessle


    Well I'm glad people like her! She's been my favorite for years and no one can take her spot.
  7. fessle


    Lights http://music.iamlights.com/ She's my absolute favorite musician. I haven't found any other singer that I like so much. There's just something so amazing about her, and I love her concerts (I've been to 7), and the fanbase is great. I am so glad to have Lights in my life. Her first album, The Listening, was really electro-pop/synth based, and the lyrics were quite personal and inspirational. It was something so different than the music I had heard at the time, 2009. Then her second album, Siberia, was even more different than that original sound, and very evolved in terms of sound and also experimentation. On top of those, she released Acoustic & Siberia Acoustic, which just showcased her ability to sing without any/much enhancement. I really love Lights and just wanted to share her with you all if you hadn't heard of her yet. Listen to: Siberia Drive My Soul Peace Sign
  8. fessle

    Ariana Grande

    She's really sweet. I met her once in Chicago at some bakery lol. I hate the way she is portrayed on Nick, the way she talks on those shows just annoys the hell out of me. She's extremely talented and she has some covers on youtube that i've listened to hundreds of times. I kind of prefer her covers to her original songs though. She's cool but just not my type of music (minus those few covers I loved).
  9. it's not really about logic... it's like you want the artist to be successful, but at the same time you want them all to yourself and be able to experience small shows and not have everyone talking about the artist on a daily basis. selfish, but it's understandable. i feel the same way sometimes. on a sidenote... #12 in the USA on itunes never expected such a high point on itunes! it's crazy! ahhh lanaa
  10. At Lollapalooza she told us she was coming here for the Chicago premiere. Either she mixed up the cities or that'll be announced later on. Probably the former...right guys?
  11. Well doesn't she have that one festival in Istanbul? + South American dates? So she still has some live commitments...but I think she means significantly less than the Europe tour. Which is well deserved, she played a ton of shows.
  12. fessle

    Cœur de pirate

    I love Comme Des Enfants even though I speak 0 french, I fell in love with that song many years ago. She recently did a song with my favorite singer so I like that too. She's got a beautiful voice.
  13. This! I love SS, the radio edit is eh, but it makes people like Lana. Like my brother for instance. He said he loves this remix, but he hasn't liked Lana before. I guess whatever, but it's awesome how well it's doing!
  14. Can someone explain the VIP ticket situation for the Rio show? @ How much is it? What does it include??
  15. I feel like if she has the full on US tour like she did for Europe, it'd include all the major cities + scattered big cities. I also imagine they'd be pretty large venues with lots of people so idk how it would work out haha. I think early 2014. Spring would be best. Thank you!! For Lolla, I ended up in 2nd row far right so sound was perfect, and I was able to see her the whole time too. I think European shows were crazier. Lolla wasn't even half as crazy as House of Blues though.
  16. And you traveled so far! Wish you could have met her. Oh I just heard she was supposed to start earlier or something or she got late to the venue. I guess I heard wrong! How big was the line at 7 pm!!
  17. I wanted to start by saying I am so lucky to have been able to see Lana Del Rey two days in a row. Although my expectations were way too high and I was unable to meet her, I am still happy that I got to see her live and solidify my love for Lana. I think it's really important to see an artist that you listen to almost every day live, just so that things come a full circle. I don't know if that will make sense to anyone but I'm just trying to say it just solidified my love for Lana, to see her live. I also realized after the shows that when I paid for my ticket, I had to know that this was just for the show. Not for meeting Lana or guaranteeing front row, those were all just my expectations (and dreams haha). House of Blues - August 1, 2013 I arrived at the venue about 11:30 AM and much to my surprise, I was #26 in line. I honestly did not expect so many people to already be there, and did not think that especially since House of Blues requires you to pay $20 if you want to skip the line and wait in the priority line. Now I know! This kind of showed me just how big of an artist Lana is compared to the other people I have seen in the past, where getting to the venue at noon guaranteed me front and center. People had been waiting here since 5 AM which I couldn't believe. Then again, people on this forum have gone to shows even earlier. So I was #26, the venue is pretty small (1300 people), and the barricade isn't that wide. I knew that I wouldn't be getting barricade. Well anyways, it still hadn't set in that I'd be seeing Lana in the matter of hours. I had waited for this day for so long and it finally happened. Lana got to the venue for soundcheck and played a few songs which we could all hear downstairs in the line, Cola, Body Electric, and one more song. It turns out she left after soundcheck but about 7-10 people had met her because they went underground to the loading/unloading station, where Lana was also picked up. So, couldn't meet her before the show, which was my fault. Now I know about that underground entrance though! Doors opened at 8, and I ended up in 2nd row center, because when we got to the main floor, as expected, the barricade was already filled, and my heart kinda sank. It wasn't meant to be. Now, I focused on just enjoying the show and letting Lana do her thing and blow us away. The opening act played for literally 25 minutes, I also felt bad because the crowd was very mean to them. Oh well. Lana came on much later, way after the band left because she was late to the venue. The intro for Cola began and the crowd went wild. I must say, people LOVE Lana here. People knew the words to every song. It was beautiful. After experiencing this concert, I finally started to love the song Cola and it won't leave my head. Lana was flawless. She looked beautiful, she sang perfectly and she put on an amazing show. It was the most beautiful performance I have ever seen. My favorite songs of the night definitely had to be Cola, Born to Die, American, and Video Games. She nailed it. It was an amazing, amazing concert. I was unable to get a picture with Lana during National Anthem, but I did get my bag with my portrait and letter and rose onto the stage and she acknowledged me, as well as the poster I made, anddd I did get my friend her picture signed by Lana. The crowd was psychotic during NA, people were shoving and I was suffocating. It was crraaaazzzyyyyy. Apparently she snuck out after the show 3 blocks away (??) and no one met her after the show (except a guy who had backstage I think). So I couldn't meet her at all that day, which sucked since I waited for 8 hours before the show, but sometimes it just doesn't work out. SET LIST: Cola Body Electric Blue Jeans Born to Die Carmen Young & Beautiful Million Dollar Man * seen below American Ride Summertime Sadness Video Games National Anthem PICTURES/VIDEO I TOOK: *** Lollapalooza - August 2, 2013 This was my first time ever going to Lollapalooza even though I live in Chicago. I had no clue what to expect. So, I went and saw Jessie Ware, because I missed Icona Pop, and I know Imagine Dragons was going to be way too crazy so I skipped them. My friend told me that her uncle would have been able to get us backstage for Lana Del Rey, but unfortunately as it would turn out, last minute he said oh no I can't. It sucked haha. Because of that, I missed out on barricade for Lana (I did have it until my friend told me to come with her to meet Lana). It just sucked yknow? But it's over and I'm over it. I ended up getting second row during Lana's set, and there were literally thousands and thousands of people watching her perform. It was an unreal experience. Her set list was more or less the same, of course shortened, and she looked so beautiful, even more beautiful this day than the day before. SETLIST: Cola Body Electric Blue Jeans Born to Die Carmen Young & Beautiful Ride Summertime Sadness Video Games National Anthem PHOTO (not mine):
  18. She said she'd be back for Tropico, I can confirm that! Looks like she's touring for Tropico release dates. Maybe I'll meet her then lmao
  19. I noticed that too! (14000 people added her to their line-up which is crazy!!) You're right. That was dumb of me to think that the people didn't know how valuable she was to Lollapalooza.
  20. well, that is very true i just thought you were annoyed at my post. nevermind that then
  21. i think you misunderstood my post obviously this is great exposure for her, and one of the biggest festivals in the u.s. and many people will be watching her all i'm saying is that the lollapalooza people have underestimated her popularity
  22. tbh lollapalooza doesn't realize how much attention lana will get in a few days they're totally underestimating her at least she's playing the same time as the headliners....so she's sort of headlining...but not really, right? i just feel like they don't know how much she is loved all over the world.
  23. She looks so good, damn I can't...
  24. Haha I will make sure of it. I'm gonna bring her roses just to prove it too. And a poster to show her during the show. Fear not! You're right, don't think it's gonna be Paradise Tour USA. Probably with the next album or whatever. Haha I see what you're saying, but I know she's coming here next yr. Her booking agent sort of said it too, "2014." It'll be here soon!
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