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Everything posted by fessle

  1. I've seen her 3 times now and all 3 experiences have been the worst concerts I've ever been to, due to the psychotic crowds. I hate it. I love Lana but I just can't deal with this. Maybe it's the shows I've went to (all in Chicago)? My next Lana shows will be in Austin, Texas, so maybe the people there will be better. Not sure... guess I'll find out. I've heard southern concerts are a bit more relaxed.
  2. Tbh I think going at 8/9am will not be enough. People will camp out overnight, you should go earlier if you want barricade. GL
  3. I still am not done obsessing over WC and now we're gonna get SOC soon? What!!!!!
  4. No one will mind if it's like 1 or 2 people. Don't worry.
  5. no one seems to know anything lmao i thnk last i checked, jimmy's tour page said he was gonna be at chicago... Yep just checked--he is opening.
  6. It's gonna be a mess lol and they haven't even mentioned AIW. Sooo.
  7. It's a 30% chance let's just hope we get that 70% of no rain...
  8. I'm going (with 3 other friends). And I know a few more people here that are going, too! Go alone! Going to concerts alone is always a fun experience.
  9. who cares its the music not the cover??? i never picked up an album bc of the cover for all i care, the cover could just be a white square whatever
  10. fessle

    St. Lucia

    All Eyes On You has been on repeat since I first heard it. Thank you so much. LOVE this.
  11. fessle

    St. Lucia

    Woah this is awesome!!!! Thank you
  12. fessle


    fuck them for getting the date wrong i was so excited for june haha
  13. meeting her before/after show is probably unlikely your BEST bet is front row (near center?) when she meets fans. :/
  14. Let's all make fake all-access passes and go backstage.
  15. fessle


    Hope she sneaks in a couple more dates on that tour.................
  16. OMFG I'M GOING TO AUSTIN FOR COLLEGE THIS FALL AHHHHHH And they're offering 1 day passes again. Definitely gonna try for both weekends. Awesome!
  17. fessle


    K so I saw this thread when it came out and didn't really care to listen, but then yesterday I was looking through iTunes and thought I should search up Banks cuz she sounded cool and chill and then I listened to Waiting Game and now I'm waiting for her to grace me with her presence. She is absolutely perfect. Wow, can't wait to go through all of her music. It's always exciting to find a new artist you're crazy about. Bless you Real Deal.
  18. I voted yes because for some reason those few lyrics are stuck in my head and I've been singing it all day.... But I'll wait until Monday to determine if I do like it. For now-yes! I'm surprised myself. I usually need the whole song to decide.
  19. fessle

    April 11 - Las Vegas

    WHAT! I used to hate those 2 songs until I heard them live. Then I did, and fell in love afterwards. So I hope the opposite. I hope she does play MDM so I can properly enjoy it this time.
  20. fessle

    April 11 - Las Vegas

    not going 2 complain about setlist but i thought this would feature different songs and at least full version of west coast AND black beauty lol
  21. I picked one instead of all of the above because that's an easy way out of answering the question... Hahaha but no--it's all of the above, but I wanted to actually pick one. I picked her large collection of songs, because that's why I loved her first. It was her music for me, that's what drew me in. Her personality, obsessions, meanings, and artistry all show with just her songs. So I think that's why I like her most.
  22. fessle

    Fan Book

    i'd love to be a part of this!
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