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Everything posted by fessle

  1. Haha sorry for that! TMA for sure. But yes I want to make it clear that the concert itself was great, Lana was beautiful and her vocals were heavenly, I enjoyed this show the most out of my 4 now, but I am only slightly bummed out she didn't meet with me. Guess I should resort to stalking the airport next time lol
  2. No--she did come off stage at the beginning, during Cola, but went to the other side. Then she went back on stage-saw my poster and my Brazilian friend's Brazil flag, and waved at us so we were like ok she'll meet us during NA...but didn't... lol Idk I'm going again next weekend so maybe it'll be better idk
  3. It was a bummer. I was disappointed but after not meeting her 4 shows in a row you get used to it lol. I waited front row since 11-6:30 which is not that bad tbh compared to last time... 6AM-7PM lol. The thing is, Lana was performing before Eminem, so a lot of the front row at least on my side, were Eminem fans who could care less about Lana. Which explains why I was not shoved at all which was cool lol. I tried to find her hotel but I didn't know which one it was (there's a few good ones in Austin)...so yeah idk about that. Also I found that strange too. I think her manager told her not to meet fans during NA because he came on and talked to her for a brief moment towards the end of the set.
  4. cruel world intro (when will she do the whole song idgi) cola body electric blue jeans west coast born to die ultraviolence summertime video games ride million dollar man national anthem where was money power glory and fucked my way up to the top my friend and i yelled old money several times but lol
  5. I was front row for the first time for Lana. And this was the first Lana show where I wasn't murdered by the crowd. It was a beautiful performance, my 4th and best Lana show thus far. So bummed she didn't come down during National Anthem but she did like my poster and wave at me. I'm better prepared for next week though!
  6. Best of luck! I bought tix for Chicago from AIW for Lana, that sold out immediately also but I think it opened up a few minutes before scheduled. But LA is one of Lana's biggest US following so it'll be tough...hope you all get some tickets!!!
  7. fessle


    Since I've known her since the beginnings of her career, I feel like each era has been special to me and strong in its own ways, but I think Little Machines is a nice middle ground between The Listening and Siberia. I honestly think Siberia has the most songs I like from a single album though my all-time favorite song is Drive My Soul. I think Little Machines will be the most "fun" live and just a very general good feeling album. Also that ending of From All Sides is just such a good close to the album...and hint at an acoustic rendition??? She loves doing that. My top tracks: Portal Running With The Boys Muscle Memory Don't Go Home Without Me Lucky Ones From All Sides
  8. i agree. i mean how could someone enjoy playing almost the same identical set every single show??? in the same order???
  9. fessle

    Jessie Ware

    She's releasing True Believers in a "special way" she said on twitter. I looved Tough Love, my fave newest track!
  10. Trying to remain positive and hopeful...
  11. i will cry an ocean wha the fuck she better not cancel
  12. ACL plz LANZZZZZ Gift us with a new UV song live.
  13. Dear God please let Lana not cancel ACL I will be depressed
  14. i was so excited for that ((( hoping for the best
  15. WAIT ""For medical reasons independent of our will, the artist has been forced to cancel all promotional activities planned in Europe over the coming days," the Polydor/Universal Music label said in a statement." Is she canceling THE BBC RADIO?
  16. fessle


    wait i retract my statement...i listened again and theres so much i didnt notice the first time around but yeah i love bankzzzzzzZ but feel like i'll always love london the EP more
  17. fessle


    I love Banks and have for several months now and I juuust finished a portrait I did of her, perfect timing too! Coinciding with the release. For the album, since we heard so much of it before it was released... it didn't feel like an "album release" but it is still a fantastic album and collection of work. I love the slower, sad songs that were new. Really good. But I think London as a collection felt more solid to me.
  18. fessle


    ughhhhh love it i wish she'd do this type of dancing again tho:
  19. fessle

    Jessie Ware

    After an artist's first release you don't know how their future music will turn out and at least for me, I'm nervous and just hope I continue to like the music, and Jessie did not disappoint. I loooove Tough Love, it is amazing and beautiful and I can't wait for the rest.
  20. spend literally all day there lol see ya
  21. WC > SoC=UV Love them ALL the difference is very small but I think WC was the strongest lyrically and sonically and the final chorus is too sexy for me. But SoC and UV are almost at the same level, and I love them so much, too. Hard to pick when all three are so good!
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