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Everything posted by californianfreak

  1. video games 23 west coast 54 shades of cool 39 brooklyn baby 41
  2. californianfreak

    Song vs. Song

    Shades Of Cool vs Y.our Girl (from what we have)
  3. californianfreak

    Song vs. Song

    Shades Of Cool vs Us Against The World
  4. BTD FROOT UV The Family Jewels Paradise Electra Heart AKA HM Art Angels Ceremonials
  5. Oh god I am laughing so hard right now ahhhh I needed that today
  6. It has now become clear why my grades are in some serious floppage
  7. oh god this is so true... I probably do more Lana investigating than uni work oops
  8. After years of searching... I think I have just found my dream job
  9. Hopefully with the shows she has coming up she will make a lot from them, and if she does a proper tour that will help bring a lot of revenue. I heard somewhere ages ago most artists make the bulk of their money from touring so if she does a successful tour hopefully it won't matter too much about sales?
  10. The New Waltz has 53,178 followers, Mellow Pop has 227,187 followers!
  11. Now you mention it, I see it too! I guess they both use the same themes: cars, young couples and people, and inspiration from the past!
  12. LOVE has been added to 'The New Waltz' playlist by Spotify, and Lana is on the cover!! Edit: and the 'Mellow Pop' playlist by Spotify!
  13. Exactly what I was thinking! Takes me back to the Video Games mv actually, it kinda felt like Lana was giving subtle references to the BTD era? Love actually reminds me of video games as well, so when the video came out idk I just really got a massive Video Games/BTD vibe from it
  14. HOLY YES BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN!! I didn't think about this before but ohmygod that would be perfection!!!! Edit: actually the more I think about this, the more I am thinking this is quite likely?? Springsteen is still active and recently touring and considering how much Lana loves him and how there are going to have 'exciting guest artists' (to me implying they are quite big imo??) then could it get much more exciting than THE BOSS??
  15. Okay I get some of you don't like Marina, which is perfectly fine but can we just move on and stop dragging her so bad I get other artists have been dragged here too and I am all for expressing opinions but I feel this is getting a bit nasty now
  16. Everyone saying Marina has no talent - Some of her songs have had the most technical lyrics I have ever listened to, take Mowgli's Road for example. I feel a lot of her lyrics are so deep sometimes they are easily overlooked, e.g. Mowgli's Road, Scab and Plaster, and Buy The Stars. Of course I am biased but I don't feel Marina deserves this, she writes truly beautiful lyrics and has an amazing voice. Personally I would love a collab however I don't really know how it would work as their voices are very different, but to me it is an interesting idea to think about.
  17. Yeah I guess if anyone could mix these two styles together, Lana could and I'm sure she would do a fabulous job But still, they are total opposites...
  18. THANK YOU pls no Ariana collab pls although I do doubt this since their styles are so different but still
  19. Hoping we get some stunning vinyls this era! Especially some 7" singles... This is a really bad quick edit I made but I'd love a 7" like this for LOVE...
  20. Every time I see her smile in the MV my heart just melts HAPPY LANA = THE BEST LANA
  21. honeymoon - 23 music to watch boys to - 30 god knows i tried - 10 art deco - 18 religion - 21 salvatore - 16 the blackest day - 38 swan song - 16
  22. I guess SOC (just going from the post she made about it being her favourite video although I think it could be Ride, Tropico, Video Games (just because its such a classic?), SOC At the moment I am leaning towards Ride bc I interpreted this as in the top 2 from our perspective and most people since to have Ride as their favourite video?
  23. To begin with...all you need is 'Love' This makes me think LDR5 is gonna tell a story? Maybe stages of a relationship? This would give her good opportunity to explore many different sounds as mentioned earlier in the thread?
  24. My dream collabs with Lana would be Marina and the Diamonds Grimes The Beach Boys (Or at least Brian Wilson) I am so hoping its MATD, so many larina fans have been spamming her insta about her collaborating with Lana, plus Marina has been more active lately.
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