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Lanas honey pot

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Everything posted by Lanas honey pot

  1. Katy Perry commenting on lana and marina's photo like
  2. national anthem 55 ride 68 tropico 30 shades of cool 59 love 21
  3. today i woke up and asked myself " why are still people in this world that don't like ultraviolence?"
  4. actually i would never thought it would last 2 weeks
  5. u guys are so fucking dumb , making stuff that inst true guys lana just hasn't pre order fucking wait she has a date for that and why the fuck do u want such a long pre order the pre order just for the hard fans fucking calm you tickling ass and this era is nothing boring fucking look at katy Perry era or selena gomez ?????????? u just want to much lana is happy she is never been happier and she will deliver the album of course she will stop dramatizing everything
  6. i mean the song is ok nothing new there
  7. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7777011/artist-dominate-2017-vote-poll vote gays
  8. we will have 4 videos 3 professional 1 homemade im sure
  9. all gtas playing alot of league of legends sims 3 and 4 max payne 2 just finished far cry 2 sim city cod 4 about it YES
  10. well does more than me i feel like we will get pre order today
  11. https://m.facebook.com/mtvitalia/photos/a.10154244579647693.1073741908.159917292692/10154244582127693 … pls just put like and lana will be nominated the album is done she prob has to do some legal things like the rights and other shits
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